DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-181-196
The phenomenon of student involvement is widely presented in foreign and domestic scientific literature as one of the factors contributing to the improvement of academic performance and social activity of students, reducing the number of deductions, however, the psychological mechanism for the emergence and maintenance of involvement has not been studied enough. The article attempts to study the psychological characteristics of student involvement in the context of traditional and distance learning from the standpoint of the methodology of system anthropological psychology, which considers the correspondence between them as a key mechanism of interaction between a person and the environment, and involvement as one of the factors in the formation of personal identity. The purpose of the work is to identify the areas of involvement of students and study the motivational and value aspects of their formation in various educational formats (traditional and distance learning). As a result of using the author’s questionnaire, which makes it possible to identify the accessibility and significance for students of various aspects of the educational space, it was found that with the traditional organization of the educational process, some of the opportunities are not in demand by students, and other aspects of the educational environment seem to be underdeveloped by students. With distance learning, about a third of the educational needs of students are not met. The expectations of students are described, which, in their opinion, are not realized in the educational space of the university, regardless of the educational format. Based on the data of factor analysis, the areas of involvement of students were determined in various ways of organizing the educational process. The discrepancy between the idealized ideas of students about «student life» and «good student» and the actual content of students’ activity is revealed. For some students, identification with the university and the activities performed, involvement in them is expressed moderately. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the use of the methodology of systemic anthropological psychology for the study of involvement. Identified demotivating factors and described the areas of involvement of students. Practical significance: the developed questionnaire and the data obtained can be used to diagnose and manage student involvement both at the level of university administration (to identify and eliminate demotivating factors in the educational environment), and teachers, curators, and psychological service specialists universities.
Keywords: student involvement, systemic anthropological psychology, identity, academic involvement, social involvement, areas of involvement, demotivating factors, educational format, youth
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 181 — 196
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