DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-180-189
Teaching is one of the most stressful professions, and it poses numerous challenges to teachers on a daily basis. Sources of stress in teaching activities are unique to each teacher, but generally refer to organizational, interpersonal, or personal levels. The use of this or that strategy of coping with stress is often provided by the resources of the psyche, which expand the zone of human activity, help to overcome difficulties, achieve the goal. At various stages of the study, a total of 101 secondary school teachers took part in it. Correlation, structural, and comparative analyses were used in processing the study results. In general, educators demonstrate moderate use of all coping strategies. Less experienced educators deal with stressful situations with social support, and more experienced ones mobilized other strategies (positive reassessment). The psychological structure of the coping behavior of teachers turns out to be highly developed; connections of various levels of significance are formed in it. The basic coping strategies are distancing and self-control. The role of some personal resources of coping with stress in teachers has been determined: resilience and its components, personal anxiety, international locus of control, self-esteem and emotional stability. Personal qualities that influence coping strategies are a resource of predominantly avoidant and maladaptive coping strategies.
Keywords: resources, teacher, coping behavior, explanation, pedagogical activity
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 180 — 189
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