DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-202-211
The scientific definition of “information and psychological security” as a problematic field of intersection of information and psychological security is studied. Scientific ideas about the problems of information security and psychological danger are updated. It is scientifically substantiated that the information and psychological security of a person is a segment of the issue of general security. Different approaches to the problem of information and psychological security of individual are analyzed: a security as a sense of protection among the individual; an absence of threats; an ability to control yourself; a presence of social experience. It is proved that information-psychological security is included in the category of psychological security of the individual. The objects of psychological and information security are defined and compared. The objects and their content for the study of psychological safety are determined. The position is substantiated that information-psychological security consists of the ability of the individual to resist the negative influence of society. It has been proved that informational and psychological security falls into the category of psychological security of the person. Thus, the directions of information’s development and psychological security are highlighted. Such as the ability to identify and counteract negative informational and psychological impact and psychological security of the person.
Keywords: information security, psychological security, danger, threats, protection, information and psychological security
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 202 — 211
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