DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-212-223
The article discusses the problem of fatherhood, the dynamics of ideas about the paternal role in modern society and the attitude to parental functions on the part of men themselves. The authors consider new trends in the performance of paternal functions from the standpoint of the features of generation Y (generation Peter Pan). Based on the analysis of scientific data, the authors showed the diversity of behavior of modern fathers, traced the connection of the paternal role and real parental practices of men with socio-cultural models of masculinity. In addition, they identified the contradiction between “social infantilism” and the orientation to freedom of many representatives of the Peter Pan generation and the increase in social expectations from the male father in terms of his involvement in the process of upbringing and taking care of children. The article contains the results of a comparative study conducted in line with the emic approach of the subjective aspects of the semantic meaning of the paternal role in married men of the Peter Pan generation who perform parental functions and their childless peers, including men who consider themselves childfree. Based on the data obtained in the study, the researchers conclude that the image of the father’s role in the representations of different groups of young men has a different semantic meaning, due to their subjective experiences of real personal experience of fatherhood associated with the fact of having/not having children and the desire to have such. In addition, the authors present data on the conditioning of the subjective meaning of fatherhood in young men by the degree of satisfaction with marriage.
Keywords: fatherhood, the subjective meaning of fatherhood, satisfaction with marriage, men
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 212 — 223
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