Diagnostics of professional deficiency of rural schools teachers as a condition for designing an individual trajectory of teachers’ growth
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-7-17
The problem of effective methodological support for teachers of rural schools is based on the diagnosis and identification of their professional deficits. The mechanisms of organizing and conducting this diagnosis, the features of the development of diagnostic materials, as well as ways of objective evaluation of its results are shown. 250 teachers (143 teachers of the Russian language and 107 teachers of mathematics) working in rural schools located on the territory of 26 municipal districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan took part in the diagnostic testing. Diagnosis of professional deficits was carried out using an online platform https://platforma.bspu.ru. The results of a comprehensive analysis of diagnosing the professional competencies of teachers of the Russian language and Mathematics in rural schools are presented (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan). The influence of teaching experience and qualification categories on the results of diagnostics is presented. The professional deficiencies identified during the diagnostics and their significance in the professional activities of teachers of Mathematics and the Russian language are described. The systematic problem of methodological in competencies of teachers in rural schools has been identified and possible ways to solve them by providing targeted methodological assistance and designing individual tracks of personal growth have been identified.
Keywords: professional deficit of a teacher, pedagogical diagnostics, individual trajectory of teacher growth, subject and methodological competencies of a teacher
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 7 — 17
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