Formation of students’ competencies assessment from the perspective of pedagogical psychology
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-170-178
The transition to the Federal state educational standards has set a serious task for educational institutions of higher education to ensure the formation of students’ various types of competencies as an educational result. An urgent task is still to assess the level of their formation in students; this problem is particularly acute in the application of point-rating system evaluation. The article deals with the concept of formation of students’ competencies assessment organization in the process of current performance monitoring and interim certification in terms of point-rating system evaluation. The scientific and methodological basis of the system construction, which represents the integration of some modern approaches to the assessment of competencies, is considered. Classification of levels of students’ competences formation, correlated with levels of assimilation (According to V. P. Bespalko) is regarded. As the main criteria for assessing the results of the training, the conditions in which the components of the students’ competencies are manifested are under consideration. The role of the status of control tests in the assessment of competencies is shown; the classification of assessment tools by the level of novelty of the tests to be solved is given; the necessary resources for their implementation and the degree of independence of students’ actions are presented; a modified model of assessment of the results of training and the level of formation of the components of students’ competencies is proposed.
Keywords: point-rating system, assessment of competences, components of competences, ongoing monitoring, interim assessment, assessment tools
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 170 — 178
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