Psychological aspects of school staff consolidation to prepare future leaders of the National Technology Initiative
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-130-139
The need to train future leaders of the National Technology Initiative requires the identification of psychological and pedagogical conditions for creating teams based on the school team. The definition of the term “future leader of the National Technology Initiative” is given, which includes differentiation by levels of the main educational programs. The analysis of methods of overcoming low educational results existing in general educational organizations was carried out and managerial decisions were identified that allow consolidating the team. The main management decisions include: providing a system of actions that define and specify educational goals, develop the motivation of teaching staff to improve educational results; organization of interaction “mentor – young teacher”; organization of pedagogical (methodological, psychological and pedagogical) mutual assistance in the teaching staff; ensuring the interaction of teaching staff (both individual and collective) with the school administration to solve production and personal issues; monitoring the relationship between the dynamics of educational results achieved by students and the remuneration of the teaching staff of the school; organization of conditions for the prevention and rehabilitation of occupational diseases of teachers, including their professional “burnout”; increasing the significance of the results of the work of public associations in social and professional support. The psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow overcoming low educational results include: the development of value-oriented unity, collectivistic self-determination of the individual and effective group emotional identification. Further work is expected to form a favorable socio-psychological climate on the basis of school groups. This work should be comprehensive, purposeful, include coordinated actions of all participants in educational relations. Work to create a favorable psychological climate in the team can take the form of individual counseling, psychological training.
Keywords: National Technology Initiative, future leaders, school staff, poor educational results, management decisions
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 130 — 139
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