Virtual and real space of modern belarusian youth: social and psychological context
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-150-159
The virtual space of modern youth includes social networks. Active participation in them leads to dependence on social networks, and it is associated with a number of manifestations of psychological distress. Therefore, the study of dependence on social networks is very important. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis about possible links between social media addiction and self-confidence, emotional intelligence, and style of behavior in conflict situations. The article found that the virtual space for a significant number of young Belarusians has already become preferred in communication, entertainment and work, and that boys and girls have negative associations of dependence on social networks with self-confidence and positive associations with dependence on smartphones and with all the factors that shape it. It is shown that it is psychological problems that are the main cause of dependence on social networks. The dependence of young men on social networks is negatively associated with social courage and positively with the “conflict avoidance” style. Boys and girls have completely different connections between social media addiction and emotional intelligence components. These results are new, since neither domestic nor foreign publications have been able to find reliable conclusions about the relationship of dependence on social networks with components of emotional intelligence and behavior in conflicts. The facts obtained testify to the negative impact of the new virtual reality on a number of important socio-psychological parameters of the personality of a modern young person.
Keywords: virtual space, addiction to social networks, self-confidence, emotional intelligence, behavior in conflict situations, smartphone addiction, addiction factors, Belarusian boys and girls
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 150 — 159
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