The component composition of the modern engineer’s soft skills
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-4-7-16
The concept of professional competence as well as the elements included in it were considered which made it possible to develop a visualization called «Components of professional competence». The roles and functions of an engineer in modern society were outlined and this served as the basis for the statement about the need to develop soft skills for successful professional activity in engineering environment. An analysis of scientific research, as well as a survey of students and graduates of technical university was conducted in order to clarify and update the list of soft skills demanded in the intellectual labor market in the field of engineering professions. The results of the analysis allowed to build a conditional hierarchy of the priority of soft skills for engineers today. The obtained data formed the basis for updating the competency model of an engineer (technical university graduate). The results of the survey made it possible to present a linear prioritization of soft skills for representatives of engineering specialties. The developed matrix of correlation between universal competences and soft skills clearly confirms the correlation of these phenomena and, as a consequence, proves the necessity of including (and developing) soft skills in university education programs at the theoretical level.
Keywords: engineering education, soft skills, professional competence of an engineer, technical university, FSES HE+++
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 7 — 16
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