Meaning of music in forming of artistic picture of the world and spiritual world of person
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-4-60-67
The article outlines the problem of ensuring the orientation of modern general education towards the harmonious development of the individual by achieving balance in curricula between subjects that form the scientific and artistic worldviews is outlined. The necessity of overcoming the underestimation of school subjects of the aesthetic circle in the spiritual formation of the personality is substantiated. The typical features of scientific and artistic knowledge are considered, the significance of each of them in the formation of a holistic picture of the world is substantiated. The definition of the artistic picture of the world as a specific form of reproduction of objective reality in the artistic images of different types of art is given. The ideological aspects of music, its significance in the development of the possibilities of perception and re-feeling of the musical context, in the emotional-intellectual, artistic-creative, spiritual development of children are considered. The data of a questionnaire survey and essays of schoolchildren on the importance of music in their lives, conducted at the end of the seventh year of study, are presented. The presented results make it possible to judge the professional skills of the teacher and the existing system of working with children in a general education school, in which the musical theme occupies a serious and important place in education.
Keywords: picture of the world, education, art, music, children, perception, experience, art creation, spirituality
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 60 — 67
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