The origins of difficulties in the work of a practical educational psychologist and ways to overcome them
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-4-131-140
The article raises the problem of difficulties that are increasingly often encountered by psychologists who provide psychological assistance in educational institutions. The author focuses on the origins of such obstacles and possible ways to overcome them. Based on the analysis and comparison of the texts of various publications (from legal and regulatory documents to the text of special studies), the author’s understanding of the main sources of this kind of difficulties that are increasingly experienced by practical psychologists of education, their possible causes, as well as ways and means of overcoming them are indicated. The study conducted by the author showed that the main causes of difficulties in the work of a practical psychologist of education are: 1) regulatory and legal; 2) methodological; 3) educational; 4) personal (personal-professional). The author’s vision of those ways and means that can help to overcome them is presented. As such, the following stand out: a) the definition of those characteristics of the activities of psychologists that should be the main ones in the Federal State Educational Standards and PS, in regulatory departmental documents on the activities of a teacher-psychologist; b) overcoming the “methodological chaos” in understanding the essence of practical psychology, creating a professional and scientifically correct understanding of the content of both the most practical psychology in the field of education and the main types of work of a practical psychologist of education; c) normative consolidation of the place and role of the individual in this profession, specialty.
Keywords: practical psychology, practical psychology in the field of education, causes of difficulties in the work of a practical educational psychologist, personal qualities of a practical educational psychologist, ways of overcoming difficulties in the work of a practical psychologist of education
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 131 — 140
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