Non-standard employment as a driver of self-education in the context of human potential development
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-90-101
The issues of the influence of the phenomenon of non-standard employment on the involvement of the employed population in the practice of self-education are considered. A brief analysis of indicators that indirectly characterize the dynamics of the scale of non-standard employment in Russia is presented. Russian and foreign approaches to the classification of non-standard employment are shown. Attributive characteristics of non-standard employment are systematized. Based on the survey, the hypothesis was confirmed that workers with signs of non-standard employment have a higher level of involvement in self-education practices to develop professional competencies. A number of conclusions are made, in particular, that nonstandard employment for many today acts as a driver of internal self-organization, building a system of actions aimed at the conscious independent acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with emerging professional needs. The methods of theoretical and comparative analysis were chosen as the methodological basis of the study; methods of statistical analysis; online survey using CAWI technology; content analysis of materials presented in open access databases. The materials of the study were Rosstat data, EWCS materials, materials of the International Labor Organization, materials of the survey, as well as documents of the strategic development of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: non-standard employment, labor market, continuous education, self-education, competencies, human potential
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 90 — 101
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