Analytical review of psychological research as the scientific basis of innovative development of pedagogical education in modern Russia
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-146-156
Modern social conditions impose new requirements on teacher training and encourage to change the content and technology of the professional and educational process at the university, to increase attention to personal and professional development, general culture and erudition of future teachers. The purpose of the scientific review is to analyze and synthesize, generalize and systematize, conceptualize scientific ideas of psychological research aimed at developing prospects and strategies for the development of continuing pedagogical education, new psychological approaches to updating the content, technologies and methods of pedagogical activity and advanced training of teachers, convergence of national educational traditions, innovations and retronovations. The psychological analysis of the most promising studies of the professional activity of a teacher made it possible to draw the following conclusions: the prospects of continuous pedagogical education should be associated with national traditions, with continuity in cultural life, value attitude to a person, polysubject interaction of people, cultural forms of communication based on moral principles, more meaningful cooperation of a teacher and a psychologist, etc. The accumulated global and domestic pre-revolutionary and Soviet experience aimed at optimizing the results of educational activities in schools and universities should be rethought and taken into account at the present stage of education development. These ideas formed the basis of the structural and content model of the new practice of psychological training of teachers developed by us, including target, content (personal, interpersonal, professional), technological, organizational, strategic levels.
Keywords: continuous pedagogical education, personal and professional development, systemic personal-developmental approach, convergence of traditions, innovations and retronovations, polysubject community «teacher-student», psychological research, innovative practice of teacher training
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 146 — 156
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