The use of language material on the example of Russian proverbs in Mongolian textbooks of the Russian language for grades 7–9 in secondary schools in Mongolia
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-32-41
In this article, an analysis of the use of Russian proverbs in Russian language textbooks “Russian language” for 7-9 classes of general education schools in Mongolia is given. The content side of the textbooks is revealed, which determines the relationship between grammatical and linguistic material. A brief description of the textbooks is given in terms of structure and sources used. Determined all proverbs according to thematic group, corresponding to those tasks in the textbook and methodical guide for the teacher of the Russian language. Emphasis is placed on the functional use of Russian proverbs at the initial stage of teaching Russian as a foreign language, and a selection of examples of the use of proverbs is carried out in accordance with their thematic affiliation, type of task and methodological recommendations. The inconsistencies in the choice of proverbs as language material for Russian language textbooks are determined on the basis of generally accepted criteria in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Some recommendations are given for working with proverbs when teaching Russian as a foreign language, in particular, for using them in different types of work orally (presentation, explanation, examples of synonymous Mongolian proverbs, translation into Mongolian).
Keywords: Russian textbook, Russian language, Russian as a foreign language, Russian language teaching, proverb
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 32 — 41
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