Experience of using a point-rating system for the discipline “Russian language of business communication” in Sevastopol State University
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-51-59
As the title implies the article deals with the experience of using a point-rating system for evaluating the results of students’ educational achievements in Sevastopol State University. Conducted survey is presented on the example of the discipline “Business communication in Russian language”. The article goes into detail about the specifics of implementing the point-rating system for assessing the results of students’ educational achievements at Sevastopol State University using the example of the discipline “Business Communication in Russian”. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of using a point-rating system to evaluate the results of students’ educational achievements and to study the attitude of students towards the use of a point-rating system at a university. The text provides valuable information about the practical significance of the study, which presents an example of a rating system that includes a list of additional rating tasks. The results obtained can be used by university teachers to improve the point-rating system in a number of other communication disciplines. Experimental data that presented the opinions of Sevastopol State University students regarding the use of the point-rating system in the educational process is analyzed. This data was obtained in the course of an empirical study, the advantages and problems of using the system were identified. Conclusions are drawn about the need to improve and develop the system with an emphasis on the content and methodological components.
Keywords: point-rating system, evaluation of the results of educational achievements, rating, training course, assessment tools, current certification, questioning
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 51 — 59
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