Mastering the discipline “Modern means of evaluating learning outcomes” at a pedagogical university
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-79-86
The relevance of studying and developing means of evaluating learning outcomes in modern education in the preparation of undergraduates in a pedagogical university is described. The first stage includes familiarization with the purpose and objectives of the course, updating knowledge about the control of learning outcomes, types, forms and methods of control and mastering the control-evaluation system of education in modern conditions. Students get acquainted with the concepts: authentic assessment, testing, test specification, test task forms, control-measuring materials on the subject, assessment scales. At the next stage, independent work of students is organized to develop methodological materials on the chosen topic of the school course in chemistry. An exemplary algorithm of learning activities is proposed, including a methodological description of the topic, its planning with the inclusion of means for monitoring learning outcomes, and a list of tasks for compiling didactic materials to control schoolchildren’s knowledge. An approximate set of tasks includes: control questions and tasks on theoretical material, test tasks, case situations, crossences, calculation tasks and digital educational resources. Examples of some tasks developed by undergraduates on the topic “Hydrogen” are given. At the final stage, students submit a report on completed assignments in the form of a portfolio, which is evaluated by the teacher using a point-rating system.
Keywords: academic discipline “Modern means of assessing learning outcomes”, individual independent work, control tasks and questions, test tasks, case situations, crossenсes, digital educational resources, portfolio
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 79 — 86
Downloads: 354