Personal security concepts in the scientific space of psychological knowledge
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-154-163
Personal concepts of security are considered, which fills the gap in the study of implicit formations that control human behavior when there is a danger to his life and well-being. The aim of the study was a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of personal security concepts. Personal security concepts are understood as a set of mental constructions formed by projections of the phenomenological security space on the mental structures of a person and expressing his subjective position in the relevant subject area. The core of the subject’s personal security concepts is formed by his personal security concept, which is most closely related to the Self-concept of personality and has a high impact on the rest of the subject’s private concepts, on his mental state and behavior. Personal security concepts are heterogeneous, characterized by an external and internal structure, dynamic and multifunctional (control, transmission and self-renewal functions). The materials presented in the article express our principled positions on a number of modern issues related to increasing human security in social, legal, economic and other spheres of life. The proposed interpretation of the category of “personal security concepts”, the conclusions drawn on the content, structure and properties of the corresponding phenomenon create a springboard for choosing the directions of subsequent research development of the problem.
Keywords: security, personal concept, implicit concept, security concept, I-concept
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 154 — 163
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