Quality of life plans in late adolescence
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-164-171
The issues of formation of life plans of students staying in late adolescence are considered. The main idea of the study was that the key abilities of life planning are of ageless significance. The purpose of the empirical study was to identify and evaluate the quality of students’ life plans and the possibility of using the planning skills acquired in youth in old age. To do this, it was necessary to identify what elements of planning can and should be mastered in adolescence, so that they allow them to adapt to life after the end of their working career and ensure life satisfaction in old age. The study involved 80 students of Bunin Yelets State University. The experiment and the method of expert assessments were used as research methods. The experts were non-working pensioners aged 65 to 74 years. It was found that the current life plans of students are sketchy, unsystematic and monotonous. In this version, they cannot provide effective preparation for life at other ages. Experts, based on their own life experience, taking into account the mistakes of planning their own life in late adolescence, identified six positions by which it is necessary both to assess the quality of planning life schedules and to specifically form them. It is these positions that were poorly represented or not presented at all in the plans-reports of students. In particular, this is the structuring of personal time; special individual habits; family responsibilities; organization of communication with friends; key events of the week and month; contribution to the organization of their personal space. It is noted that one of the tools for preparing for life in late ontogenesis can be mentoring on the issues of planning one’s life.
Keywords: life planning, life strategies, personality of an elderly person, old age, late youth
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 164 — 171
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