Applied aspects of the problem of the development of psychological cyber resilience in the structure of professional training of specialists
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-194-202
Consideration of the positive and negative aspects of the transformation of educational activities based on the use of its digital technologies and the increasing pace of digitalization of modern society. The expediency of the development of psychological cyber stability of the personality of the subjects of educational activity is substantiated. The authors consider the definition of the psychological cyber stability of a professional personality, its psychological structure, including the reflexive, cognitive, creative, communicative, motivational-volitional, value-semantic components. A description of the conditions and educational technologies for the development of psychological cyber-resilience is given. The targets of the psychological and pedagogical influence that underlie the psychological correction of cyber addictions and other negative phenomena associated with the informatization of modern education are determined. The authors present a proven algorithm for organizing and conducting psychological and pedagogical training aimed at developing psychological cyber-resilience of students’ personalities. Depending on the orientation of the psychocorrective impact, the authors distinguish the following stages of the training: actualization of the problem of self-transformative activity in matters of psychological cyberstability (includes synchronization of activity in the inner psychological world of the individual, in social and cyberontological realities), increasing personal readiness for self-transformative activity (it includes normalization of complex emotional states during the transformation of destructive patterns of behavior; expansion of the range of effective methods of self-support and solving difficulties), teaching the means of assimilation of the experience gained in the process of training work (it includes the formation of skills of purposeful arbitrary management of personal activity, the expansion of the range of knowledge about the ways and techniques of mastering eco-friendly skills of nonviolent inhibition of habitual destructive behavioral stereotypes), recognition and reflection of positive changes in self-educational activity (it includes normalization of negative experiences in cases of mismatch of ideally planned achievements and the reality of self-transformation).
Keywords: professional training of specialists, transformation of educational activity, structure of psychological cyber stability of a person, risks of cyber-ontological reality, development of cyber resilience
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 194 — 202
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