Core pedagogical values as the basis of inclusive teacher competence
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-2-63-74
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of pedagogical values in the projection of inclusive education and their role in the formation of inclusive competence of teachers. The factors of the development of inclusive education and their role in the formation of inclusive competence of teachers are studied. The paper highlights the trends in the development of inclusive education, which are caused by an increase in the number of disabled children and awareness of the features of the inclusive process by participants in educational relations. The author focuses not only on the need to provide opportunities for joint education of students with special needs and normotypic children, but also on the effectiveness of the inclusive process. The results of a survey of teachers of secondary schools of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug conducted to identify difficulties in implementing and adapting the learning process of schoolchildren in the conditions of inclusion are presented. The place of the value system in the process of formation of inclusive competencies of teachers is considered. The classification of pedagogical values is adapted in accordance with the principles of inclusive education. The system of interrelation of educational value orientations and competencies formed by teachers in the process of understanding, awareness and acceptance of the principles of inclusive education is described. The paper presents the classification of values in the projection of inclusive education and is compared with inclusive competencies. The interrelation between pedagogical values that are formed when working in conditions of inclusion and inclusive competencies that are developed by teachers, guided by the relevant principles and applying values in practice, is indicated. The author focuses on the difficulties that arise in the process of applying practical skills of inclusive competencies by a teacher in the educational process.
Keywords: inclusive education, pedagogical values, inclusive competence, students with disabilities
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 63 — 74
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