Promoting professionalization through the organization of cognitive activities of students of the direction “Oil and gas business” at the initial stage of education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-3-35-46
The main supplier of personnel for the oil and gas industry in the Komi Republic is Ukhta State Technical University. Its main task is the training of highly qualified specialists (professionals). According to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, future specialists should be ready to independently and effectively solve problems in the professional field. To be in demand and competitive in their industry, a specialist needs to continuously engage in self-education. Assistance to self-education of students at the initial stage of education at the university is carried out through the involvement of students in active cognitive activity. But, as practice shows, the level of cognitive activity of most modern students leaves much to be desired. That indicates the relevance of the topic of this study. Initially, the causes of low cognitive activity were identified and analyzed, and the motivational component of the process was studied. Further, the main ideas of the process of organizing the cognitive work of students of the direction “Oil and Gas Business” in the classroom in mathematics are revealed. The idea of creating a special system of assignments in mathematics containing various forms of independent learning activities that contribute to the formation of cognitive activity is presented.
Keywords: professionalization, oil and gas industry, cognitive activity, independent work, research work, mathematics
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 35 — 46
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