Russian-Korean Paremiological Dictionary as a means of forming the linguocultural competence of Korean students of Russian studies
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-3-81-89
The article examines the problem of lexicographical representation of Russian proverbs to Korean students of Russian studies. The concept of an innovative paremiological dictionary is presented, which can be used to develop the linguocultural competence of future teachers of Russian as a foreign language and translators. A special feature of the dictionary is its cross-cultural nature: linguocultural commentary accompanies not only Russian proverbs, but also their Korean equivalents. The principles of material selection are described, all parametric zones of a dictionary entry are considered, and a sample of a complete bilingual lexicographical description of a Russian proverb and its equivalent is given. The methods of working in a student group with each zone of the dictionary entry are shown, and it is indicated which parameters of linguocultural competence this work is aimed at forming. Particular attention is paid to creative tasks, when students, using recommended sources, develop linguocultural comments on Russian and Korean proverbs. The data from the final control showed that the experimental work carried out with lexicographic materials turned out to be an effective means of developing the linguistic competence of Korean students, increasing interest in paremiology and motivation to study the Russian language and culture. This confirms the practical significance of the study, the materials of which can be used in classes on Russian as a foreign language and in the compilation of educational dictionaries of proverbs. In scientific terms, the research results presented in the article complement the theoretical basis of the cross-cultural approach to teaching a non-native language.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, linguoculturology, linguoculturological competence, educational lexicography, paremiological dictionary, cross-cultural approach to lexicography, dictionary entry, linguoculturological commentary on proverbs
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 81 — 89
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