Features of adaptation to the preschool educational organization of children with different levels of health
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-3-146-153
The issue of the specifics of the adaptation of somatically weakened children to a new social situation when entering preschool is considered. The characteristic of the concept of “adaptation” is given, approaches to understanding adaptation – biological and socio-psychological – are analyzed, emphasis is placed on the characteristics of health groups, as well as the term “somatically weakened children”. The results of an empirical study of the individual psychological characteristics of adaptation to preschool education of young children with different levels of health are presented through consideration of the level of their adaptation. The vast majority of children belonging to the healthy group have a high level of adaptability. Such children are calm, joyful during their stay in preschool, there are no whims, reactions of fear and protest, they actively contact a group of peers and teachers. Somatically impaired children are diagnosed with an average or low level of adaptability. Representatives of this group demonstrate an unstable emotional state or, conversely, there are no reactions at all or may be characterized by quiet crying, lack of active movements, lack of attempts to resist, passive submission, depression, tension. The results presented in this article allow us to conclude that about fifty percent of the children of the randomly generated sample have some kind of health problems. It is shown that somatically weakened children have a number of obvious difficulties that interfere with them in everyday life and may interfere in the future, including during adaptation to pre-school education.
Keywords: adaptation, level of adaptability, level of health, somatically weakened children
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 146 — 153
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