The role of psychological well-being and social support in coping with negative stresses with high school students
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-4-124-132
The article analyzes the study of high school students’ psychological well-being and their perceived social support as resources of coping behavior in situations of stress. The sample consisted of 107 high school students 16-17 years old (52 boys and 55 girls). Methods: Scale of Perceived Stress-10, Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS), Ryffs Scales of Psychological Well-being, Questionnaire of social support of G. Sommer and T. Fydrich. Descriptive statistics in groups divided by gender, correlation and regression analysis were analyzed. Results: Common factors of perceived stress, coping behavior, psychological well-being and social support, as well as gender characteristics and differences are demonstrated. Young males were more likely to demonstrate autonomy, competence and higher levels of self-acceptance. At the same time, all adolescents note the availability of social support. Girls are more stressed compared to their male peers, and they have to make more efforts to cope with it. Girls are more likely to use emotionally stressful coping strategies, whereas males are more likely to use problem-oriented and external social resources. The positive role of psychological well-being and social support for the possibility of efficient coping with stresses, as well as the targets of psychological influence and correction have been found. Instrumental support, manifested in an advice, effective or material assistance, as the provision of a ready-made solutions that do not require the teenager’s own efforts, can lead to the strengthening of the use of unproductive coping strategies.
Keywords: high school students, perceived stress, coping behavior, psychological well-being; social support
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 124 — 132
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