Analysis of the updated content of the educational subject «Labor (technology)» and identification of professional teacher deficits
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-33-43
The issues of qualitative changes in the content of the educational subject «Labor (technology)» are considered in the context of the requirements of the updated FGOS basic general education for the results of mastering the basic educational program at the level of basic general education. The factors that influenced the change in the content of the subject area «Technology» and the educational subject «Labor (technology)» are considered. The format of the modular structure of the educational subject «Labor (technology)» proposed by the Federal Work Program and the educational trajectories of its implementation are being investigated. Based on the data obtained, the pedagogical conditions for students to achieve meta-subject and subject learning outcomes in the academic subject «Labor (technology)» (contextuality of learning; organization of active design and research activities of students; creation of conditions that initiate independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren) are revealed; features of teacher training for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education and FRP on the academic subject «Labor (technology)» (the ability to define and formulate cognitive universal educational actions in the context of the subject content; the ability to concretize the subject results for each module and level from 5th to 9th grade). Based on the analysis of the updated content of the subject area «Technology», the actual professional deficits of the teacher for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education and FRP for the academic subject «Labor (technology)»: the ability to develop and implement the content of variable modules that form an integrated picture of scientific and technological knowledge among schoolchildren; «universal» teacher competencies that form students functional and technological literacy, design and creative thinking skills, the ability to focus students’ attention on learning the latest technologies and professions; the teacher has interdisciplinary knowledge, skills to work with modern technological equipment, the formation of ICT and IT competencies; the ability to use digital didactics, immersive learning tools in the process of technological training and adaptation of these digital tools to the conditions of specialized subject technological training.
Keywords: directions of technological development, technological training of schoolchildren, modular structure of the educational subject, design and research activities, professional teacher deficits
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 33 — 43
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