The structure and content of legal literacy of students
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-64-72
The article deals the theoretical foundations of the concepts of “legal literacy” and “legal literacy of the student.” The results of the analysis of the structure and content of the studied concept are presented the following definitions: regulatory grounds, categorical and conceptual apparatus associated with this definition. And so, as it is based on the theoretical analysis and empirical data, an updated wording of this definition is proposed. The particular attention is paid to the relationship between legal literacy and the leading trends in modern education, and so we can see the consequence of it - it is the education of citizenship and the comprehensive development of the individual. Based on the analysis of the function of legal literacy, the structure of “legal literacy of students” is proposed. The content of each component of the structure (cognitive, motivation-target, activity and behavioral) in their relationship and interdependence is presented in detail. So as a result, we have the conclusion that “legal literacy” contributes to the formation of legal awareness of the individual, which is the foundation of the legal culture of the individual and society as a whole. The modern education is aimed at the forming of a versatile, competitive, patriotic personality. That is why legal literacy should be present at all levels of education.
Keywords: legal literacy, legal literacy of students, practical skills, functions of legal literacy, motivational and value component, cognitive component, activity component, behavioral component
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 64 — 72
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