Conceptual design and practical study of a blended learning model based on the Team-based learning method
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-73-83
The application of digital technologies in education leads to the use of innovations in teaching and learning models. Each teaching method has its own features and advantages and plays a unique role in the teaching process, it should be noted that the Team-based learning (hereinafter TBL) teaching method. The application of blended learning model, which is based on TBL methodology, in higher teacher education is considered. The characteristics of the TBL learning method are presented, and the competences that teachers need to possess to ensure effective application of the blended learning model based on the TBL method in pedagogical courses are defined. An attempt is made to apply it to the basic course of teacher education (“Specifics and norms of teacher’s professional ethics”) in accordance with the requirements of innovations in the educational process. Exploring the concept and existing practice of the model, a model of blended learning adapted to the educational discipline and specific ways of its implementation were proposed. The research resulted in recommendations and ideas for the application of TBL-based blended learning models in the field of pedagogical science. The blended learning design framework and implementation process developed in our study can guide all teachers when conducting or optimizing blended learning.
Keywords: team-based learning (TBL), blended learning model, instructional design, pedagogical innovation, instructional reform, pedagogical discipline
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 73 — 83
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