Organization of work with contaminated text in primary school
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-84-91
The article deals with the problem of formation of the ability of younger schoolchildren to recognize and create texts of various structural and semantic types. The authors present the organization of work with contaminated literary text in elementary school. The approaches to the definition of this linguistic phenomenon are analyzed, and the ambiguity in the understanding of this linguistic definition in science is revealed. The article presents a methodology for working with contaminated texts, describes the types of work with artistic text in school practice. Using the example of a student survey, the difficulties encountered when working with contaminated texts in elementary school are characterized. The necessity of early work with such texts is justified. Using a specific example, the features of the analysis of observation of the linguistic properties of a contaminated text are described, which allow students to draw a conclusion about the signs and properties of contaminated texts. Questions have been developed that the teacher can use in his methodological activities in the lesson. The causes of learning difficulties when working with contaminated texts are revealed. The authors propose methodological techniques for working with such texts that can be used in school practice in elementary grades.
Keywords: junior high primary school student, structural and semantic types of speech, contamination, methods of speech development, meta-subject skill, technique of analyzing observation
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 84 — 91
Downloads: 277