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1 | The article provides theoretical substantiation of technology of teaching geometry to younger adolescents, focused on mastering of the value content of geometrical concepts. From the standpoint of sociocultural approach consideres the phase of the cycle of mastering communication value: development of understanding and ways of operation with geometric concepts. Defines the communication steps, the content of which is determined by the structure of activity-related components of geometric concepts, including both substantive action and real cognitive and formal operations. Emphasizes the scheme of development of the geometrical concepts value content: 1) motivation to study geometrical material; 2) the spatial component of communication (presentation level), comprising: a) an image perception (percept) – representation, naturalization of the ideal content of the sign as a means of overcoming formalism; b) a general idea or preconcepts (image-concept). Overcoming sign naturalization - the so-called denaturalization provided by the psychodidactic tasks of awareness, understanding and synthesis of content and activity process; 3) the logical component of communication (verbal and logical level). A concept - a system of concepts; 4) the emotionalevaluative component. Value-oriented education, which represents the so-called context-sensitive area of mathematical knowledge and considered as a gradual accumulation of the system of value (evaluation) of knowledge, creating the effect of “personal presence” of the student in the process of mastering mathematics - information about possible man’s relation to certain facts, events, actions, conclusions. Substantiates the experimental confirmation of the hypothesis: efficiency of sociocommunicative processes in the situation of teaching geometry to younger teenagers is caused by several factors, among them is the implementation of psychodidactic laws of awareness, understanding and synthesis of content and process activities; phased development of a coherent mental structure “image – idea – preconcept – concept – a system of concepts”; phased development of activity-related components of geometrical concepts: substantive action, real cognitive operations, formal operations. Keywords: Socio-cultural content of teaching mathematics, communication, value content of geometric concepts, the plane of the notion content, the plane of the sign shape, integral operation | 1167 |