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1 | The article describes the process of formation of methodical competence of students, future teachers of geography through various forms of learning (lectures, seminars, practical courses), through independent research and pedagogical activity. The article reveals components of the methodical competence, such as methodological knowledge, methodological skills, pedagogical reflexion, and shows the development of their students during the study of discipline “methods of teaching geography” with the passage of pedagogical practice. Legal and methodical support of formation of methodical competence of the students is the developed educational-methodical complex. Selected the diagnostic tools for identification of the level of formation of methodical competence components, identified the criteria for each level. The diagnostics revealed the difficulties of students in mastering of methodological knowledge and skills and determined on their basis a number of organizational and pedagogical measures, contributing to the formation of methodical competence. Keywords: methodical competence, methods of teaching geography, professional competence of the teacher | 1644 | ||||
2 | The article reveals the problem of implementing extracurricular activities in Geography in accordance with the requirements of the current Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education. Pedagogical factors that contribute to the most effective assimilation of geographical knowledge and skills during extracurricular activities in comparison with the classical lesson are revealed. The experience of realization of the program of extracurricular activity with the seventh graders “Geography Experts” is presented on the basis of the “Laboratory of Geoecological Education and Local History” of the Geography Department of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The developed program allows to organize the effective interaction between school and pedagogical university and to form cognitive interest of schoolchildren in studying Geography, aacquiring subject knowledge and skills, and skills in design and research work. The most effective forms of extracurricular lessons in Geography (games, creative laboratories, musical competitions, field workshops, modeling, project creation) are revealed, their methodological description and recommendations for the conduct are given. The study for the seventh graders having a cognitive interest in Geography after completing the course “Geography Experts” showed that students are interested in Geography, the knowledge and skills that they have gained help them to master the geography course of school and encourage them to design and research activities. Thus, the developed and approved program of the extracurricular Geography course in the interaction between the school and the pedagogical university and has shown its effectiveness and requires further implementation. Keywords: After-hours work, game form, geography, school | 1201 | ||||
3 | The main results of scientific research within the framework of the DAAD program «Research Stay for University Academics and Scientists» at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) are presented. Cloud-toground lightning destroy buildings, turn off power lines, disable expensive equipment, and also injure people and even kill people. Lightning activity has a spatial and temporal inhomogeneity. The studies were devoted to the analysis of the causes of the inhomogeneity spatial distribution of thunderstorm activity over the territory of Central Europe for the period 2001-2014. Conclusions are drawn about the influence of not only the characteristics of the state of the atmosphere, including favorable synoptic conditions, on the spatial inhomogeneity of thunderstorm activity, but also the influence of the underlying surface, in particular of different types of landscapes (city, forest, field, lakes, etc.). The results obtained can be used to indirectly estimate the spatial distribution of thunderstorm activity characteristics over areas not equipped with lightning detection systems. In addition, the specifics of the teaching of meteorological disciplines at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have been studied. The experience gained will help improve the teaching of «Meteorology and Climatology » at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University and involve students in scientific research. Keywords: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, research stay, meteorology, climate research, lightning activity, landscape | 1143 | ||||
4 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the courses “Economic and Social Geography of the West Siberian Region”, “Regional Studies” and “Toponymy” for the formation of Siberian identity of students at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The most effective forms of practical training were determined, their methodical description and recommendations for its implementation were given. The Siberian identity of students is not possible without knowledge of this region. The content of the course “Economic and Social Geography of the West Siberian Region” includes a brief history of the region’s development, a description of the natural resource potential, population, features and prospects of the economy. “Toponymy” includes the study of geographical names of Siberia. “Regional Studies” develops knowledge about the native region (village or city) and the ability to apply this knowledge in the management of regional studies with schoolchildren. During training, students form universal and professional competencies that will allow them to more effectively organize school and extracurricular activities for the study of Siberia. Students at the university perform the following practical work: mapping of unique natural objects, monuments of architecture and art of Tomsk and Tomsk Region; development of excursions for schoolchildren in historical, cultural and natural attractions of Tomsk, Tomsk region and Siberia; compilation of the genealogical tree of their families, the study of the etymology of geographical names. As a result, students develop a holistic overview of the West Siberian region and there is a desire for its further study. The results of the survey “Do I Know Siberia?” showed that the majority of students, including those who came from other regions of Russia and abroad, identify themselves with Siberian region. The presented methodical development of practical classes for students can be used in retraining and advanced training of geography teachers, as well as for conducting geography lessons and extracurricular activities in general educational organizations of Siberia. Keywords: economic and social geography, regional studies, toponymy, Siberian identity, West Siberian economic region, Tomsk region | 1022 | ||||
5 | A critical analysis of modern school textbooks on geography is given in the article. The analysis is related to the compliance of the Federal state educational standard of basic General education with the following requirements: methodological, psychological, aesthetic and hygienic. The presented positive aspects of geography textbooks were identified: wellbuilt methodological apparatus; colorful design, the presence of maps, schemes, diagrams, drawings; a system of questions and tasks aimed at organizing independent cognitive activity of pupils through the use of research methods; integration of physical-geographical and economic-geographical branches of geography. The authors of the article revealed the given below negative points in geography textbooks: simplification of scientific geographical information; insufficient description of physical-geographical processes in solving practical problems; lack of connection between the simplified theory of initial courses of geography and practical tasks that are given in Russian exams (the Basic State Exam and the Unified State Exam) in geography; incomplete reflection of the local history approach. Specific examples from existing geography textbooks were provided to confirm the established disadvantages. The national project «Digital school» was reviewed. This project suggests using geography textbooks in the educational process together with other teaching tools, including digital ones. Thus, the geography textbook plays an essential role in shaping the geographical outlook of pupils. In addition, textbooks contribute to the achievement of personal, metasubject and subject learning outcomes. Ways to modernize geography textbooks were defined based on the analysis of the state of Russian school geographical education, namely, the converting textbooks to digital format using interactive applications, videos, demonstrations of experiments and observations, electronic maps and electronic test tasks. Keywords: geography at school, teaching geographical disciplines, geographical education, individual approach to learning, geography textbook | 1106 | ||||
6 | The issue of creating a personalized approach to the training of future geography teachers is considered in the article. A comparative description of the concept of «education personalization» in the context of pedagogy, psychology, and sociology is given. The normative legal documents, which define the special status of a teacher in society and professional requirements for his personality, have been studied. It is concluded that the personalization of education allows, on the one hand, to develop the individual characteristics of students, on the other hand, to include in the process of socialization. When preparing students for the future profession of a geography teacher, it is necessary to organize a personalized approach, which is expressed in close interaction between the teacher and the student and providing conditions for self-education of both parties. The purpose of the article is to describe a model of a personalized educational environment and experience in implementing a personalized approach in the training of geography teachers. The main results of the personalized approach are four workshops developed by the authors of the article in offline format for young geography teachers of Tomsk. Important teaching tools of personalized education are the websites of teachers on the topic «Formation of a teacher’s personal educational environment» and the website of the training focuses «Professionally about the methodology of teaching geography». This model includes personal means of communication, means of teaching and self-education, the use of digital educational platforms and professional websites, improving the professional skills of teachers and students. The results are expressed in the justification of the need to introduce this model into the educational practice of pedagogical universities. Keywords: personalization, personalized approach, professional skills, model of personalized educational environment | 763 | ||||
7 | The problem of using graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons is considered. The history of the development of techniques of working with text is described. The legal documents have been studied, which determine the importance of the formation of students’ skills to work with the text, including its graphical representation. The content of school geography textbooks is analyzed for the presence of tasks on working with graphic material in them. The graphic techniques of working with text (“Summary of paraphrases”, “Main thoughts. Terms and concepts. Questions on the topic”, “Denotational graph”, “Venn rings”, “Fishbone”, “Cluster”, “Logical reference notes”, “Mental map”) are described based on the material of different courses of school geography, with examples of tasks performed by pupils. The results of the survey of students on the assimilation of educational material through the graphical representation of the text are analyzed. It is concluded that the use of graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons contributes to a deeper understanding of it, the development of imagination, the ability to systematize and classify, and to identify cause-and-effect relationships. The purpose of the article is to describe graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons. The conducted survey of pupils shows interest in these techniques. The results are expressed in the justification of the need to develop students’ skills of the graphic representation of the educational text and introduce it into the educational practice of educational organizations. Keywords: functional literacy, semantic reading, graphic techniques of working with text, logical reference notes, universal learning activities, critical thinking development technology | 485 | ||||
8 | The problem of the introduction of phenological observations in school is considered. The basic terms of phenology are given. A review of the literature on the use of phenological observations in agriculture is carried out. The history of phenological observations in Russia and Tomsk is described. The state of phenology in Russia and Tomsk at the beginning of the XXI century is described. The authors have developed 15 indicators of observations of phenological phenomena in Tomsk for the spring period. A comparative analysis of their own phenological observations for the period from 2021 to 2023 with the results of previous years by other authors is given. The importance of popularization of phenological observations among schoolchildren is actualized. The content of school geography textbooks is analyzed for the presence of phenology tasks in them. Methodically developed and conducted four classes at school in the section “Phenology”, which are aimed at the formation of cognitive universal learning activities and the development of motivation for research activities. The ways of forming students’ skills of observing seasonal changes in nature during scheduled and extracurricular geography classes are shown. It describes the participation of one of the authors of the article in the development of tasks for the Regional phenological competition “Nature Calendar” in the Tomsk region. 32 people from Tomsk, Pervomaisky, Molchanovsky, Chainsky, Kargasoksky, Verkhneketsky region, as well as from the city of Strezheva took part in the “Nature Calendar” competition. The purpose of the article is to popularize phenological observations among schoolchildren of the Tomsk region. Keywords: phenology, phenological phenomenon, phytophenology, zoophenology, phenological phases, phenological dates, phenological interval, phenological indicator, nature calendar, cognitive universal educational activities, research activities of schoolchildren, Tomsk | 500 |