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1 | In accordance with the Federal state educational standard, the introduction of the principle of individualization in the educational process in preschool educational institutions is one of the pressing problems. Concepts of differentiation and individualization are revealed. The grounds of differentiation and individualization for the organization of educational activities in the preschool educational institutions are determined. The diagnostic tools for determining the level of intellectual development of preschool children, their individual characteristics are temperament, modality of perception, laterality. Presents the results of the diagnosis, a brief analysis. The directions and content of the forming experiment - testing of the program «Mate: plus» - are defined and partially described. Mathematics in kindergarten». Diverse didactic material «Mate: plus» allows children at an individual pace to develop spatial thinking, imagination, get acquainted with the basic geometric shapes, their properties, to form primary ideas about symmetry and geometric bodies, different sizes of objects, the ability to generalize and classify the basics of counting. The organization of activity on mathematical development of children was based in the form of direct educational activity (NOD) in which individual features of children were considered: features of perception of material, emotional and personal development, specifics of behavior in group activity. The prospects of the study are outlined. Keywords: individualization, psychological features, mathematical representations, preschool education | 1190 |