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1 | Conditions of formation of psychological and pedagogical conditions of adaptation of children to school already at a stage of preschool education are considered. There is a great influence of the degree of development of psychological factors in preschool children on the success of their adaptation to school. Particular attention is paid to the problem of adaptation of children to school, taking into account the development of their sound, lexical and grammatical structure of speech, phonemic abilities. Factors influencing successful adaptation of first-graders are generalized. The addition of one more factor to this group is substantiated: competent and expressive speech of the child, correct pronunciation of letters and syllables, developed phonemic abilities. The analysis of the ratio of phonemic abilities and subsequent adaptation of children to school was carried out. At the theoretical level, the features of manifestation of phonemic abilities in the learning process in the first grade and their impact on the success of adaptation to school. The main approaches to the formation of phonemic abilities in preschool children are considered. There are specific conditions for the organization of classes in kindergarten for the development of phonemic abilities, taking into account the age characteristics of children and special requirements for the organization of work with children at this stage of development according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Pre- School Education. It is concluded that the timely development of phonemic abilities will contribute to the correct pronunciation, understanding of speech, its perception, and then successful learning in school, which will lead to a more favorable and positive adaptation of firstgraders. Keywords: phonemic abilities, speech, adaptation, preschoolers, maladaptation, grammatical structure, sound reproduction | 1002 | ||||
2 | The article describes the need for timely identification and qualitative analysis of the problems of distance learning, taking into account the preferences and interests of students and university teachers, consolidating their efforts to overcome difficulties and solve problems related to objective and subjective situations, the peculiarities of using distance learning technologies in the organization of the educational process at the university. In the current situation, burdened by the spread of a new coronavirus acute respiratory infection, which is caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV), the world education system (including higher education) is forced to turn to distance learning technologies. These technologies allow you to work remotely, maintaining the necessary distance, protecting the health of people (both students, teachers, and employees of higher educational institutions), excluding their close interaction during training, scientific research, in the admission campaign, in extracurricular work, etc. The authors describe the features of using the remote form of organizing training at the university so that it contributes to the maximum saving of students ‘ health, has a positive effect on their physical and mental state; minimizes the viral load in a difficult epidemiological situation; increases and develops digital literacy of students; “opens” new opportunities for remote work for the teaching staff. The article provides the data obtained in the study (survey) of the impact of the use of distance learning technologies on the health of the full-time and part-time students of the 1st – 5th year of studies of the area of training 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles) of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Bunin Yelets State University. Keywords: higher education, educational process of technology of distance learning, the preservation of health, digital literacy | 1012 |