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1 | This article is dedicated to identification of features and stages of formation of modern rural school which is the leading type of the general education organizations of the Russian Federation. Recently, the process of modernization of the modern educational system of Russia has also affected rural schools. The main feature of the educational system of the Russian Federation is the prevalence of rural schools. The rural school is a collective concept, it is used for designation of various types and types of activity, operating conditions of school in rural areas. The school and society, the state and the educational process are inseparably linked with each other. The historical and pedagogical analysis allows considering the process of formation of modern rural schools and also stages and specifics. However from the middle of the 10th of our century in the Russian Federation the increasing role is played by digital economy, the informatization process plays the main role. In the context of globalization (informatization, integration and internationalization), the rural school begins to function in the new socio-economic conditions. The implemented Digital School project promoted informatization of schools located in rural areas. The modern rural school is gradually becoming a single center for training, education and development of students of various categories, different levels of psychophysical development, different living conditions and education. The scientific novelty of the article consists in justification of separate features of modern rural school: a) the organizational model of school is based on the idea of cluster networks; b) educational process has network character and its regulation is carried out in the conditions of transition of the school system to the mixed model of training including the upgraded occupations in traditional or uneven-age network classes, groups, individual occupations according to the nonlinear schedule, design and implementation of individual strategy of training in subject matters, application of the special software. Keywords: rural school, features of rural school, stages of formation of rural school, organization of educational process, network mechanisms | 824 | ||||
2 | Currently, in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the information society and the digitalization of the economy, the importance of comprehensive training of a motivated applicant, capable of not only successfully passing the entrance tests, but also ready to study in the educational process of a modern technical university, is growing. Various ways of building the readiness of future students to study at technical universities demonstrate the new organizational structures of the pre-university, whose activities are aimed at career guidance and the implementation of educational programs of pre-university training (specialized engineering classes, preparatory courses, etc.). The article substantiates the features of preuniversaries, the mechanisms of their creation and functioning. In modern conditions, a pre-university acts as a system of selection, accompaniment and preparation of motivated students for university entrance, widely using not only subject preparation, but also developing research work of schoolchildren, creating conditions for immersing students in the culture, educational and creative space of the university during the period of schooling; an important feature of these models is the close interaction of educational organizations of general and higher education, the wide involvement of partners and employers in this work. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the substantiation of certain characteristics of the activities of pre-university students and similar innovative educational structures for working with applicants on the basis of universities, including: a) the creation of a system of specialized training for high school students with the optimization of the implementation of educational programs towards educational institutions of higher education while maintaining the traditional forms of pre-university preparatory courses; b) the organization and support of the process of psychological, intellectual, cultural preparation of a future student for studying at a university through various forms of participation in systemic educational and educational work of pre-university students and similar models; c) ensuring early vocational guidance and profiling of students in order to support the determination of the choice of further educational paths before moving to graduation class, etc. The theoretical significance of the work is associated with the study of various preuniversity models in modern higher education institutions, the identification and description of key aspects of the activity of these structures and models. Keywords: pre-university, vocational guidance, pre-university preparation, the process of admission to the university, work with applicants | 887 | ||||
3 | The article is devoted to the process of developing a model of a pre-university in a technical university, which meets the modern requirements of a modern technical university, and provides the possibility of replication in various educational institutions of higher education of a technical profile, without reference to certain characteristics and creates the conditions for the implementation of the university’s specifics in the educational process. The article is devoted to the process of developing a pre-university model in the educational process of a modern educational institution of higher education of a technical profile, in which the pre-university is a mechanism for searching, selecting, supporting, vocational guidance and pre-university preparation of applicants for entrance examinations and training at a technical university, creates conditions for immersing students in educational and cultural environment of the university, which allows to determine to choose a profession and a university in advance, and, if necessary, to change the profile of training. The developed model takes into account the experience of various analogues of pre-university students implementing educational activities in various universities in Russia. The scientific novelty of the study is to work out all the elements of the pre-university model being created, which can be created on the basis of any technical university regardless of its starting conditions and limitations, and also provide opportunities for taking into account the specifics of the university, including: a) the creation of a system of pre-university training at the university, taking into account priority tasks in the field of recruitment and the possibility of creating conditions for ensuring the selection of various educational paths; b) the organization of coordination of career guidance at the university. The theoretical significance of the work is associated with the identification and description of the key elements of the pre-university activity regardless of the specifics of individual universities and models. Keywords: pre-university, vocational guidance, pre-university preparation, university enrollment process, work with applicants, pre-university model | 807 | ||||
4 | In recent decades, the Russian family has undergone profound changes in relations between generations of parents and children. There is a practice-justified view that Russian children were never as different from parents by their mentality as in today’s reality. The retrospective analysis carried out in the article of the family’s performance of its educational function with regard to children differentiated by sex shows the importance and place of each parent in the formation of the child’s personality. The conducted survey of schoolchildren in five regions of Russia (2019) and comparison of its results with the data of a similar survey of ten years ago (2009) make it possible to draw conclusions about trends in family education, as well as about which parents most successfully perform their educational role in the modern Russian family. In retrospect of the last ten years, alarming conclusions are being formulated about the reduction of parents’ authority as advisers. In the dynamics of these years there is a decrease in the attitude of children to be similar to their parents. Attention is drawn to the fact that most children do not view the family environment as comfortable for cohabitation with parents, which indicates the factors of disadvantage of these families. The desire of children to assert their financial independence by independently earning money for pocket expenses has been revealed. There is an increase in the number of children evading the answer about the sources of money, which may indicate improper practices in obtaining it. The given data of the comparative study make it possible to conclude that there has been an increase in certain deformation of parental roles in the family over the past ten years. The task of the family today is to contribute to the formation of life guidelines of children, offering them reliable starting conditions for achieving success. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the influence of educational actions (omissions) of each parent on the formation of immunity in children from possible external negative influences taking into account modern social risks in society. Keywords: father, mother, family, children, parenting, trends in family education | 806 | ||||
5 | One of the urgent problems of the development of additional education of children in Russia is to increase its accessibility and quality. Modern measures of state policy in the field of education are aimed at updating the content and technologies of additional education of children in accordance with the needs of the individual and public order, ensuring its accessibility for children with different educational needs and opportunities in the context of increasing the efficiency of the resources used. The article discusses the basic principles of the development of the system of additional education of children in Russia at the present stage. Based on the analysis of modern regulatory and program-targeted documents, a characteristic of the main directions of modernization of regional systems of further education is presented. The leading theoretical ideas of building a system of personified continuing education are described: individualization, personalization and personification. The analysis of modern state requirements for the regional system of additional education of children is carried out, the leading mechanisms of the formation of the regional system of additional education are highlighted. The author analyzes the content of personified funding for the implementation of additional general education programs in accordance with the requirements of accessibility, quality and effectiveness. The meaning of the idea of personalization in continuing education is disclosed applicable to the system of accessibility and quality management of educational programs. Based on the program approach, a model of a regional system of additional education for children is proposed that meets modern requirements. Keywords: model, regional educational system, personified additional education of children | 802 | ||||
6 | The problem of aggressive behavior has become the subject of extensive scientific and practical discussion. The article offers an analysis of individual aspects of the content of the phenomenon of aggression, highlights the features of teenage aggression. The results of a long-term study of the level of aggressiveness of adolescents and youth are presented. It is noted that violations in the sphere of interpersonal relations of adolescents play a priority role in the development of deviant behavior; communication forms a specific model of behavior, sometimes influencing the performance of actions that are not always constructive; the formation of positive communication skills is in the field of influence of subjects of educational practice and is the most important factor in preventing adolescent aggression. The authors point out that pedagogically expedient actions in terms of shaping positive development in adolescents is to optimize interactions between all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers, social partners). The main directions of pedagogical preventive work, from the point of view of the authors, are: taking into account the characteristics of the family of each teenager as a necessary condition for the effective work of a teacher; management of the classroom situation and monitoring the relationships of children, which makes it possible to prevent the manifestation of aggression in the group; ensuring safety in an educational institution through the formation of social and psychological comfort of students and teachers; projecting constructive models of peaceful settlement of conflicts through the media and the Internet; integrating children into the system of social ties both at school and outside, using social and educational technologies; purposeful educational influence on youth and work with the family in the direction of stable orientations on lawful behavior is considered as a significant factor in preventing aggression. Keywords: adolescents, aggression, communication, subjects of educational practice | 712 | ||||
7 | It is stated that the problem of the development of communicative universal educational actions (CUEA) of students has become the object of both modern scientific research and practical developments. The paper presents a historical and pedagogical analysis of the study of this phenomenon in Russian pedagogy, identifies the leading models and technologies used to organize extracurricular activities in modern educational institutions. A model for the development of CUEA of junior schoolchildren by means of extracurricular activities is proposed, the features of which are associated with the use of a set of system-activity, communicative-cognitive approaches, integrated content at the metasubject level in the form of a network modular educational program of extracurricular activities (general intellectual orientation), implementation technologies using subject-oriented teaching aids, speech situations, logical and didiactic schemes. The content of the effective-evaluative component of the model is substantiated, which includes methods of observation, diagnostics, statistical methods, and the assessment of the process of development results for this group of metasubject education results. For the development of CUEA in students of primary school age, we have proposed the following means, in our opinion, which are the most effective for a given age: subject-figurative visualization, logical-didactic schemes and speech situations. The criteria are highlighted (the student is able to master speech culture at an elementary level; the student is able to organize his communication in a time frame; the student is able to overcome various types of barriers in the implementation of communication), the levels of formation of this group of metasubject educational results of students at the level of primary general education. Keywords: development of communicative educational results, primary general education school, students, model, non-class activities, teaching aids | 803 |