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1 | The article examines the gender dimensions of deviant behavior among adolescents in personal formation of modern youth. The various points of view on issues of gender, deviant behavior and personal identity in the context of the changes taking place in the society are being analyzed. Gender identity, being one of the basic structures of consciousness, plays a decisive role in the processes of adaptation and self-developing personality. Keywords: gender, adolescence, deviant behavior, socialization | 1280 | ||||
2 | The article considers the problem of social anxiety of university students in the aspect of its connection with psychological defense mechanisms, which help to maintain homeostasis. The independent empirical research data, covering a comprehensive program of social and psychological assistance for students who are socially maladjusted, is presented. The findings suggest that in critical situations student’s brain creates not only less mature defense reactions, such as repression and regression, but also more mature mechanisms, as projection and compensation, using both levels of “perceptual defense” with the removing of information from the consciousness, and the level of information restructuring. The mechanism of protection depends on many factors, primarily on the individual structure, as well as the level of education, social status, age and gender, this field requires further study. In some situations high stress, crisis factors, mental disorder, pharmacological deviation can determine the specificity of the use of psychological defense mechanisms. Keywords: social anxiety, social phobia, psychological defense, students | 2648 | ||||
3 | The present study examines the characteristics of interpersonal communication of adolescents with mental retardation. The study found that it is difficult for adolescents with mental retardation to establish contact. In the pupils’ group they occupy lower status positions – “unpopular” and “outcast”. Teens with normal mental development do not accept their peers with mental retardation in their social circle. Most adolescents with mental retardation, as well as young people with normal mental development, have a normal level of aggressiveness. The level of hostility of adolescents with mental retardation is higher compared with their peers who have normal mental development. Adolescents with normal development, and mental retardation, have problems associated with the attitude to their father, the future and unrealized possibilities. The share of adolescents with these problems is 5–10 %. Among adolescents with mental retardation this figure is slightly higher. The results of the study suggest that adolescents with mental retardation have the peculiarities of interpersonal communication, which make their stay in pupils group difficult. Psychologists and teachers need to know the specifics of interpersonal communication of adolescent with mental retardation to provide the most comfortable and safe educational environment. Keywords: interpersonal communication, socialization, adolescents, delayed mental development | 2543 | ||||
4 | The paper generalized the experience of the study of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with the positions of the different approaches. Currently, autism is treated as a complex disorder of psychological development, characterized by severe and comprehensive deficit of social interaction and communication, restricted interests and repetitive actions. Unfortunately, to date etiological concept of autism spectrum disorders can not be considered complete. One of the leading risk factors for autism take ideas about family history, although genetic predisposition picture autistic extremely diverse and not fully defined. Taking into account the degree of prevalence and heterogeneity of ASD disorders around the world, at the present stage of the study of this pathological condition becomes important the interdisciplinary approach, that will ensure more effective medical, psychological and pedagogical support of the child. It is important to understand that today the problem of the ASD is not just a problem of psychiatrists, and other professionals, such as biologists, psychologists, educators and rehabilitators and even philosophers. Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, mental development, dizontogeneza, nterdisciplinary approach | 2603 | ||||
5 | The article considers the problem of parent-child relationships in families with disabled children suffering from cerebral palsy. It is known that the family, having a high rehabilitative potential, can contribute to the effective socio-cultural integration of this category of children. Particular emphasis is placed on personal features of mothers with sick children. The relation of individual personality traits with the specifics of family relationships is determined. It is revealed that the more extroversion of his mother is expressed, the less attention, effort, time it pays the education of the child, which is indicative of a predisposition to the formation of deviant forms of maternal behavior. A less extraverted mother expresses undeveloped parental feelings, rarely manifests educational confrontation. Maternal extraversion leads to excessive demands in the field of education and causes concern in the relationship with the child. The study showed that maternal personality traits determine the specificity of the parentchild relationship that must be considered in psycho-pedagogical support of the families raising disabled children with cerebral palsy. Only with this approach it is possible at an early stage to correct the state of the mother, and build constructive parent-child relationships for the harmonious development of the child’s problem. These results complement the ones already available in literature, moreover, they can be used by specialists for the activities aimed at the provision of psychological, social, pedagogical support for mothers with disabled children with cerebral palsy. Keywords: personality, family, parent-child relationships, mother, disabled child, cerebral palsy (CP) | 2645 | ||||
6 | The article is devoted to the study of the social and psychological characteristics of children of senior preschool age with speech disorders, which can further determine the direction of remedialdevelopmental activities. On the example of preschool children with general and phoneticphonematic deficiency of speech, the specifics of relations in the family are shown, the need and the main motive in communicating with peers and parents are assessed, and behavioral problems that children demonstrate in group interaction are revealed. The study found that children with speech pathology have low need for communication with peers, group interaction is built on the basis of game motivation, and aggressiveness, egocentricity, conflicts and negativism are often shown. Children with speech disorders in comparison with children, who have normal speech development, demonstrate rejection of themselves and remoteness from both parents. They point out the low own significance in the family, attach great importance to people who are not part of the family. For children with speech disorders, the ambiguity and «blurriness» of moral representations, the uncertainty of moral emotions and feelings, the instability of relations, the «blurriness» of moral motivation are inherent. In decision-making they are often guided by selfish desires, rarely opting for the other. The indicated positions attest to the low level of adoption of moral principles in children with speech pathology. Keywords: children, children of senior preschool age, speech disorders, interpersonal relationships, behavioral problems | 3664 | ||||
7 | Interpersonal relations are a prerequisite that determines the development of not only individual mental processes, but also the personality as a whole. There are a number of works that show the deformation of interpersonal relationships in adolescents with different types of dysontogenesis, including with mental retardation. This article presents the results of a study of the interpersonal relationships of adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment. The results of the study made it possible to ascertain the presence of both general and specific features of interpersonal relationships in adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment, and their peers with uncomplicated mental retardation. In the examined groups, only a third of adolescents consider the father and mother as a parental couple, while there is a high significance of the relationship with the mother and refusal to communicate with the father. For adolescents of both groups are characteristic: weak involvement in interaction with peers; the presence of a sensually deficient or sensually excessive type of interaction with a predominance of the sensually deficient type; indecision in decision making, the desire to shift responsibility to others; lack of a tendency to domination; frequent conflicts with peers and the inability to constructively resolve them. In addition, adolescents of the studied groups often show reactions to frustration of the activeaggressive or passive-suffering type, and in adolescents with uncomplicated mental retardation, the reactions of the active-aggressive type dominate, and in adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment, the reactions of passive-passive type. It is noteworthy that adolescents with mental retardation, complicated by visual impairment, are prone to isolation from their peers, show greater attachment to home and their family. Keywords: interpersonal relationships, adolescence, mental retardation, visual impairment | 2599 | ||||
8 | The article analyzes the results of an empirical study aimed at studying the time perspective of parents raising children with mental retardation. In the course of the study, three types of temporal perspectives were revealed in this category of parents – one harmonious and two deformed ones, and more often deformed types of temporal perspectives were encountered. With a harmonious type of temporal perspective, a balanced combination of orientations towards a positive past, a hedonic present, and a future was observed. The deformed time perspective of type 1 was characterized by a combination of a fatalistic present, a negative past and a low orientation to the future. A deformed time perspective of type 2 combined a negative past, a hedonic present, and a low orientation toward the future. All parents with a harmonious type of time perspective, performing T. Cottle’s graphic test, showed a temporary connection between the past, present and future. For parents with a deformed time perspective of type 1 or 2, in this test, the time zones were either autonomous or interconnected. It is important to note that most of the parents with a harmonious type of time perspective were between the ages of 40 and 45, have a higher education, medium or high material wealth, and high educational potential. Summarizing the results of the study, we can say that the difficult life situation associated with the presence of a child with mental retardation in the family, in most cases leads to temporary disintegration of parents. Keywords: temporal perspective, temporal orientation, mental retardation, families raising children with mental retardation | 2391 |