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1 | The article discusses the possibilities of getting the students ready for the further life in the process of learning, which would provide them with the tools to solve a variety of problems in all areas. The author suggests a program of teaching students to solve training and educational problems, that is actively used at school for several years. Currently, the author’s program includes formation of metasubject actions. This article describes the modules of the program, details of organization of co-activities at the lesson to solve the problems in the initial program module. The article contains enough methodical recommendations of different kinds for organization of co-activities in the group, cards for estimation of the result, reached by the group and for reflections. The materials of the article may be useful for teachers for organization of the problem lessons and formation of the necessary skills. Keywords: new results of education, teaching students to problem-solving, modern lesson, new tasks of the teacher | 1300 | ||||
2 | The article poses the problem of searching for successive links in the formation of universal educational activities in the transition from primary to basic school. This problem is actualized by the introduction of Federal Educational Standard and by the search for practicing teachers of the effective methods to form and diagnose universal educational activities at different age levels. The authors analyze the experience of the School of Joint Activity in this direction, in particular, describe the performing of a general school seminar, the purpose of which was to show the specifics and increasing of different groups from primary to basic school. Examples of expert maps are given, which make it possible to distinguish different groups of universal educational activities at the lesson, their level of development (acquaintance, formation, application). A generalized portrait of the graduate of the primary and basic schools, successive lines in the content of regulative, cognitive, communicative and personal activities are considered. The authors analyze forms of a general school seminar performing such as: visiting lab lessons and discussing them in a group, filling out expert maps by the teachers, work in a group to identify succession lines based on completed maps, final discussion and reflection of participants. Keywords: meta-subject results, joint activity, examination of the formation of activities, portrait of the graduate, succession | 1270 | ||||
3 | The problems of modern education in the primary school are reflected. The introduction of Federal State Educational Standard in the primary school, as several authors of the analyzed studies have noted, is insufficiently prepared. In particular, little attention is paid to creativity in the learning process. The main disadvantage of Federal State Educational Standard is the lack of a single tool for assessing the different groups of activity skills that need to be formed among schoolchildren. The analysis of the diagnostic materials used in the training process – from school to university – shows that the grades of the introduced learning outcomes in the form of competencies are gradually being developed in universities. The same thing happens in colleges. In school education, the evaluation of learning outcomes is now being actively developed in a junior school, while in a basic school such materials are not sufficient. The manifested problem of lack of creativity is solved by introducing lessons-problematizations into the learning process, in fact – the lessons of obtaining new knowledge, a new way of knowing. At the same time students develop the ability to solve problems, regulative and communicative skills. Diagnostics of these skills is carried out on the basis of developed cards, in which the elements of skills are presented. The cards are filled by students, members of training or problem groups, or student experts. This type of diagnosis teaches students selfevaluation, helps the teacher and parents to follow the progress of the student in the activity and mastering the subject. Keywords: deficiencies standard, lessons on the formation of skills to solve problems, regulatory and communicative skills, diagnostics of skills on the basis of developed cards | 1191 | ||||
4 | In the new standard one of the important formed actions is problem solving. The solution to any problem begins with a question that a researcher or a student who has a difficulty has posed to himself. This requirement stems from modern standards for school education. The world has become so complex that a person has problems in any field of activity. At school No. 49 in Tomsk, one of the programs for the development of a teacher is aimed at teaching pupils to solve educational problems. At the beginning of its formation, primary school students were trained in this, but then it became necessary to teach elementary students to the elements of the program. Teaching primary school students the ability to solve first the simplest problems revealed the need to train them to ask questions, since the problem itself is formulated as a question. In the educational culture there are different types of questions. Not all types of questions cause students to solve a problem. But, different types of questions are needed to solve it. They serve to understand the text, the situation, the problem, as a result of which it is so important to teach schoolchildren how to work with questions in elementary school. The most effective are the six types of questions developed by B. Bloom. The authors suggest ways of teaching elementary school students an understanding of the meaning of questions, posing different questions and competent and complete answers to questions. As a model of question types, Bloom’s flower is used. In the submissions you can get acquainted with the ways of assessing students from the second to the fourth grade – how the number of students asking questions changes. As students gradually ask more difficult questions. How these questions are applied in solving problems. Keywords: Bloom’s flower, recognition of the meaning of different questions, questions for different texts, questions at different stages of problem solving, the effectiveness of questions in training | 1019 | ||||
5 | The introduction of Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) actualized the problem of activation of all students, both high school and primary school, in the implementation of project activities. Inclusion in the process of project implementation is aimed at the substantive and personal development of students, often determines their future professional plans. There is a problem of the organization of design and research activity at a large number of pupils. As practice shows, the majority of teachers do not have sufficient amount of time, sometimes lacking of knowledge. The material and technical base of school laboratories does not allow putting many experiments at a scientific level. In Tomsk, as a city with a large number of higher education institutions, to carry out scientific research of schoolchildren, it is possible to interact with schools in terms of organizing projects for high school students. This interaction is currently being worked out. The article shows the possibilities and results of such cooperation. In particular, the structure of such interaction is considered: starting from the primary acquaintance of schoolchildren with the laboratories of the University and ending with the formulation and conduct of the experiment, as well as the presentation of the results of all activities at conferences of various levels. Keywords: education in high school, requirements to the results of education, interaction between school and University, research activities, scientific and technical projects | 1231 | ||||
6 | The facts testifying to the problems of modern education are given. One of the significant problems that many educators and teachers ascertain is a general decrease in motivation for education and, especially, in the study of school physics, which leads to shortcomings in the overall development of students. The drop in interest in physics among schoolchildren also affects the insufficient choice by graduates of schools of technical specialties in universities and the difficulties in studying subjects in universities, as noted by university teachers. The way out of this situation is to increase the motivation for the physics of schoolchildren from the very beginning of its study. As the study of questions of motivation to study the subject shows, it can appear only in activities that interest students, in most cases it is practical activity. Since the active inclusion of students in practical activities is currently hampered by a lack of time in the lessons, it is proposed to use students to perform home experiments to develop motivation for the subject – physics. The introduction of home experiments in grades 7-8 is based on the characteristics of adolescence, when students aspire to active independent or joint educational activities and this activity should be interesting and contribute to their success. Ways to increase motivation to study the subject based on home experiences are presented. Recommendations for teachers are formulated that contribute to effective results in terms of increasing motivation for the subject and obtaining additional and in-depth knowledge of students. Keywords: difficulties of modern education, motivation and cognitive interest in learning, the role of practice in teaching physics, home experiences as a means of developing motivation | 1004 | ||||
7 | At present, the education of schoolchildren has not solved a number of problems posed by the federal state educational standard. One of these problems is the inability of many young people today to work with information. To solve this problem, the standard provides for teaching of schoolchildren to semantic reading and work with text. In order for students to learn how to study independently and organize their lives, it is necessary to use information, which develops through semantic reading (SC). Currently, this is taught in the subjects of the humanities cycle, mainly in literature. Not all teachers understand the meaning of the midrange, the importance of developing the action of the midrange. Many people lack techniques to motivate them to master it successfully. The author analyzes the meaning of the concept of sematic reading, it is proposed to organize problem cognitive activity in preparation for semantic reading of elementary school students through the ability to ask questions. Then use this skill in the problematic organization of activities with students of the basic school when teaching how to work with text, in detail – text structuring, and then apply it in high school when using reflective reading. The proposed methods of organizing work with students on the gradual mastering of semantic reading give successful results. Keywords: the ability to study independently, the ability to work with information, the concept of semantic reading, ways of developing an action, problem cognitive activity in formation | 1143 | ||||
8 | This publication reflects the formation of a teacher, scientist and successful manager in the system of pedagogical education, Professor of Tomsk State Pedagogical University Vladimir Mikhailovich Zelichenko, who recently passed away. The author reveals its role in the development of additional physical and mathematical education of schoolchildren in Tomsk and its significant contribution to improving the level of training of modern teachers. It reflects his own growth as a physicist during his work at Tomsk State University and the Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology, organizational success in opening the second physics and mathematics school in Siberia, after Novosibirsk, for students, pedagogical views on teacher training and their implementation in practice at Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, and then at the University. The main directions of scientific activity of V. M. Zelichenko are presented. He developed the theory of education, based on the evolutionary-synergetic paradigm, and applied issues of scientific and methodological support of physical and natural science education. In this direction, he developed new approaches to both the preparation of future teachers for teaching natural science disciplines, and to improving the qualifications of subject teachers. V. M. Zelichenko proved a number of minimal theorems as applied to excited states of atomic systems. He has constructed a unique technique for the minimax calculation of excited states. V. M. Zelichenko made a contribution to the study of the phenomena of photoionization of many-electron atoms. New approaches to the study of fullerenes are formulated. Keywords: teaching physics at school, teaching physics at a university, training a physics teacher, a systematic approach to education | 817 | ||||
9 | The problem of the development of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and its active application is posed. The solution to this problem is associated with the development of the cognitive interest of students at the age when they begin to study physics. The cognitive activity of students of this age in teaching physics is associated with the development of such mental operations as understanding, logical thinking and depends on the level of their development. The organization of active cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the classroom, in the process of which the ability to understand the presented material is formed, cognitive interest develops and logical thinking requires special methods and a certain organization of lessons, which is currently not sufficiently developed. It is proposed to do this on a system of problematic lessons. Using the example of a specific development of one of these physics lessons, it is shown that the involvement of schoolchildren in solving problems in the classroom and the use of a set of methods and techniques that allow them to be solved, activates mental activity and cognitive abilities. Heuristic conversation, the inclusion of some students in practical activities and interactive observation are used as methods and techniques. It analyzes how it is possible to organize a heuristic conversation when conducting problem lessons, and what types of questions to use in the framework of the conversation, how to organize the practice. The success of the proposed methods for the development of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren is confirmed by specific quantitative data on the development of the cognitive interest of 7th and 8th grade students: the level of participation in heuristic conversation, the complication of the nature of the questions that involve in the conversation, as well as the readiness for reflection and self-development. Keywords: cognitive activity, ways of enhancing learning, problem lesson, heuristic conversation, chamomile of questions, assessment of enhancing cognitive activity | 1169 | ||||
10 | The modern educational process of secondary school students is largely built on the basis of an activity-based and competence-based approach. One of the tasks of a modern teacher is the assimilation by students in the process of active learning for life of competencies. The analysis of their processes showed that it is still insufficiently studied, there are practically no practical examples of working with competencies. Sufficiently demanded for the development of students and building a useful life are regulatory and cognitive competence. These competencies can be actively formed in the process of teaching physics. The process of developing competencies becomes more effective, as the authors found, if it is built gradually. Formation begins with universal actions that are part of the competencies, which are for the majority identified. For preliminary formation, on the basis of practice, complex actions are highlighted - the student drawing up a plan of educational activity, its adjustment; formulation of causeand- effect relationships in phenomena, processes, reflexive action. The formation of actions is organized on the basis of the implementation by students in groups of mini-projects for the design of actions. An example of the formation of an element of regulatory competence is shown - the action of drawing up a plan for studying new material. Group work is guided based on the teacher’s questions to build the action. Then an intergroup discussion of the results of the work of the groups with the participation of the teacher is organized, and its adjustment. Initially built action, an element of competence is offered for development. With the help of the teacher, there is a reflexive comprehension of the activity of building the action and its appropriation. The development of elements of cognitive competence is built in a similar way. The presented methods of consistent active-activity, project-based formation of competencies are productive and can be widely used in education. Keywords: regulatory, cognitive competences, universal learning activities, project technology, teaching physics | 713 |