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1 | The article examines the gender dimensions of deviant behavior among adolescents in personal formation of modern youth. The various points of view on issues of gender, deviant behavior and personal identity in the context of the changes taking place in the society are being analyzed. Gender identity, being one of the basic structures of consciousness, plays a decisive role in the processes of adaptation and self-developing personality. Keywords: gender, adolescence, deviant behavior, socialization | 1279 | ||||
2 | This article offers the author's approach to the problem of the formation of deviant behavior in adolescents, it is considered as a set of unfavorable pedagogical conditions that exhibit a certain dependence on family education. In the proposed analysis of empirical data were used materials of interviews of all surveyed students and their parents, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey and testing. Presents the results of the results of the interview of parents. Marked multifactorial pedagogical problems in most of the families sur veyed: frequent family conflicts, scandals, cold relations between spouses, divorce, etc. The author of the article noted the discrepancy between the assessment of the nature of relationships in the family by the parents and children. The author of the analysis of the resulting material proved that there are stabilizing and destabilizing factors of family relationships: the stabilizing factors may include mature father's age, education level of parents, especially mothers, partnerships with the child, the level of acceptance, lack of emotional distance between family members; destabilizing factors include young age of the mother, her mental and social immaturity, an indifferent attitude to the problems of her husband's family, emotional distance between spouses and parents with children, increased control over the child and autho ritarianism in the relationship with him, the parents’ rejection of the child. The psychoemotional state and mental health of family members is defined as, harmony/disharmony of family relations. The more family stabilizing pedagogical factors a family has, the higher is the level of mental health of children. The paper substantiates the adequacy of integrated programs of pedagogical analysis, diagnostics and prevention, which will substantially optimize pedagogical correction, rehabilitation activities and improve their effectiveness. Keywords: adolescent deviant behavior, family environment, pedagogical conditions, micro-social-environmental factors | 1487 | ||||
3 | This paper presents a theoretical and empirical study of the problem of aggressive behavior of deviant adolescents. Presents the analysis of the relationship of aggressive tendencies among adolescents with psychogenic influence of the social environment. Analyzes the typology of aggressive behavior. The empirical research is carried out on the basis of the temporary custody center for juvenile offenders AMIA Russia’s Tomsk region. The article is a continuation of years long studying of the problems of aggression among adolescents and the role of family and family education in the formation of personality and psychological and pedagogical support of the developing personality. Keywords: aggressive behavior, deviant teenagers, psychological and pedagogical conditions, social environment | 1277 | ||||
4 | The paper analyzes the concept of transculturalism and its role in the formation of modern pedagogy and psychology. An actual problem of the modern teacher becomes his selfdevelopment and the development of his professional and psychological culture. Knowing the specifics of other cultures and communities substantially facilitates comprehension of the subject’s own personality, allows to achieve objectivity in assessing the role of their social institutions, in relation to the system of transculturalism pervading modern society. The article presents a semantic analysis of the concept of transculturalism. Keywords: culture, transculturalism, pedagogy, ethnic psychology | 1202 | ||||
5 | The article deals with psychological components and the nature of the phenomenon of spiritual crisis, that was investigated by the psychologists of different directions. Spirituality is seen as the principle, the process and the result of self-development and self-realization, to reduce him to the highest universal spiritual values. The processes of self-identity, the selfattitude and the self-understanding result in the phenomenon of identity, the concept of which has a different interpretation in the literature. Keywords: identity crisis, crisis, person, biopsychosocial model | 1102 | ||||
6 | The article raises the issue of mental health and the family as the foundation of society and social development of the individual. Comprehensive study of the issue adequately meets urgent needs of a wide audience of clinicians, psychologists, teachers, therapists. The author notes that the evaluation of the psychogenic factors that underlie most psychopathological personality disorders and the neurotic register becomes extremely relevant for psychology. Mental health depends largely on the structure and content of micro social environment, but not on the family: every social stratum has its social and ethical standards, which define mechanisms of personal response and contribute to the prevention of mental maladjustment, which, in turn, indirectly shows the level of the individual, family and social welfare. The conclusion is that the mental health of the person, the individual and the family as a whole is harmed as a result of complex social processes of our time: pressure of economic insecurity, rise of ethnic conflicts, distortion of human relations. One of the main features of the problem of family mental health, according to the author is a multifactorial nature of the pathological, destructive impact on the family. It is a multilateral (psychological, social, natural-scientific) comparison of the leading mechanisms of behavior in everyday conditions, and in becoming more and more frequent emergency extreme circumstances should look for ways to create new modules of perfect, harmonious, balanced person and the family as a social basis of a healthy society. This allows, first, to come close to the most important tasks of studying clinical and sociogenic pathomorphism psychogenic illnesses and social dysfunction; secondly, to increase the multicast of the raised issues (by references to «related» universal problems); thirdly, to bring to problem solving both the experienced skilled researchers and young student audience, social workers, educators, psychologists and young doctors; finally, the integration of the latest knowledge in the field of a comprehensive treatment and prevention process is “multifaceted” and rapidly changes psychogenic patterns. Keywords: family, mental health, society, crisis | 1152 | ||||
7 | SOCIO-PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF CHILD AGGRESSION // Pedagogical Review. 2017. Issue 4 (18). P. 34-39 The article deals with the problem of ag gressive behavior of preschool and primary school children. A comprehensive study of this issue adequately meets the urgent needs of a wide audience of educators and psychologists, as well as the social demand of society. A detailed analysis of the types of child aggression is given. Direct, physical, verbal, indirect and instrumental aggression displayed by children are singled out, forms of its manifestation are described. The relationship between the types of child aggression and the typology of parental attitudes to the problem is analyzed. Social and ethical standards determine the mechanisms of personal response and contribute to the prevention of deviant behavior, which is laid at an early age and indirectly reflects the level of individual, family and social well-being. The characteristics and style of the parental attitude to the problem of the child’s aggressive be havior are presented and the forecast of a possible correction is given. The emphasis is placed on the problems of intra-family interaction. Based on the indicators, in the process of working with children and parents, the following data were obtained, characterizing the specificity of family upbringing. 75 % of preschool children could not answer the question “what is good and what is bad”, 23 % called mainly ethical standards. Revealed a direct correlation between the aggressive behavior of preschool and primary school children and the style of parental upbringing and intra-family interaction. We observe mostly liberal-democratic and conniving styles of family education. This can be justified by the fact that the parents became the socalled “children of the 90”, due to socio-economic upheavals and instability themselves brought up in conditions of deprivation, unconsciously copying the behavior of parents, those who strived to provide material support for the child, substituting for material goods the need to educate moral and moral qualities. Keywords: conditions, upbringing, family, child aggression, social environment | 1417 | ||||
8 | The article deals with the problem of self-destructive behavior of older adolescents. A comprehensive study of this issue adequately meets the urgent needs of a wide audience of educators and psychologists, as well as the social demand of society. The results of our own research are presented. The analysis of the motive in the process of self-determination in the senior adolescence and the problem of the character of the adolescent as a combined effect of two factors that take part in its formation – socio-psychological and biological – are given. Gender bias in the process of self-determination and the choice of a self-destructive lifestyle is associated not only with biological characteristics, but also with social, cultural stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. These stereotypes are assimilated in the process of interiorization of norms or role expectations, the laws and specificity of development of both sexes, their social status, peculiarities of manifestation of the characteristic types of masculinity and femininity, caused by the influence of social factors and the level of development of society. “Normal” to deviant does not occur suddenly or abruptly. These changes have their dynamics, oscillations, deceleration and acceleration. On the part of adult participants in the educational process, attention and observation, tactfulness, exactingness and systematic control are necessary. It is impossible to allow to strengthen negative reactions in the youth environment. Psycho-corrective work should be carried out as early as possible, because a teenager is easily influenced and it is easier in such cases to activate his internal forces to overcome addiction. Keywords: self-destructive behavior, self-determination, older adolescents, motivation, social environment | 1494 | ||||
9 | The article analyzes the principle of organizing inclusive education, which is to ensure that the diversity of the needs of students with physical and mental disabilities corresponds to such educational environment. The justification of the principle of the need for special training in the field of special (correctional) pedagogy and psychological readiness is professionally and competently addressed in the problems of children with different educational needs, including those with limited health opportunities. When implementing the ideas of the professional and personal identity of the teacher, the following criteria are presented: in as much as in the phenomenological tradition the personality appears as a unique, existential entity, and identity expresses the self-referentiality of the person in the logic of the integral determination of the individual, the study is presented in the position of the person approach. Based on the analysis of the data of diagnostic studies, it was established that the participants of the project “Above the rainbow” are psychologically not ready for inclusion and need special comprehensive assistance from specialists (psychologist, methodologist). In this regard, they need understanding of themselves in a new role (personal identity), knowledge of the specifics of implementing approaches to individualization of the education of children with special educational needs; organization of psychological support system, joint analysis of professional experience, development of negative emotions, mastering self-identification techniques and their use in new conditions (under conditions of inclusion). Therefore, the task of specialists (methodologists, psychologists) is to help educators understand their hidden beliefs and values, to learn from them whether they are the beliefs and values that they would like to protect. For a program of inclusive education to be sustainable, at a certain point, these beliefs and values should be openly and clearly articulated. But the most important thing that teachers-participants of the project should learn is to work with children with different educational opportunities (capable children, children with HIA, children with disabilities) and take this diversity into account in their pedagogical approach to everyone. Keywords: personal identity, inclusion, additional education, teacher’s readiness, special educational needs | 1168 | ||||
10 | The article analyzes the problem of aggression of modern society on the basis of data from our own research conducted in 2014–19 on the basis of surveys of men and women of various social and educational levels aged 15 to 70 years, mass media and research data. The phenomenon of aggression for many years continues to be an urgent topic of sociological, psychological and pedagogical research, despite a large number of various humanitarian research and ongoing controversy in the media and on the Internet. Nevertheless, the problem of aggression and its consequences for society as a whole and each individual in particular is not only relevant, but also a direct determinant of development, social integration and personal position in relation to society as a whole and to an individual person in particular. The results of the study indicate not only the multiplicity and multi-level aggressive behavior and perception of society as aggressive, but also make a certain contribution to understanding the nature of such a complex phenomenon as aggressiveness. However, based on the data of psychocorrection of our early works, we can talk about the limitations of the fatal perception of the phenomenon of aggressiveness and understanding of the ways to reduce it. The essence of aggression at the gender level is considered as a serious intrapersonal conflict, which is an obstacle to the organization of the spiritual space of the individual. Keywords: aggression, modern society, society, public opinion | 1032 |