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1 | Teaching students to develop and form educational programs is an actual task for teachers of a pedagogical university. Special requirements apply to training students in development of extra-training educational programs aimed at physical education and sports, since the quality of such programs determines not only competitive progress, but also maintaining the health of students. Training quality and methodological literacy of students in the development of modern extra-training educational programs is largely defined by the regularity of educational practices monitoring and it’s reflection in programs as methodical documents. Under Russian conditions, various federal, regional and municipal expert (and competitive) events to evaluate educational programs can be considered as the basis for monitoring. Understanding of expertise as a valuable resource to improve students’ methodological literacy is determined by the fact that at present time in the Tomsk region, expert evaluation activity of educational programs during contests and other events has become systematic for for teachers conducting pedagogical disciplines. The author’s experience in analyzing physical education and sports programs at the regional stage of the Russian National contest of extra-training general developmental programs (including different-level ones) and as a part of regional project “Every Child’s Success”, independently evaluating the quality of extra-training educational programs, made it possible to examine the methodological deficiencies of teachers working in physical education and sports. Generalization of their typical mistakes turned out to be promising for the correction of practices of teaching students to develop modern educational programs and related features. Keywords: expert examination of educational programs, sports programs, methodological literacy of students, extra-training education in physical culture and sports | 984 | ||||
2 | A problem of the educational programs implementation in universities in the conditions of forced distance learning was a serious challenge to the academic environment. Great difficulties are caused by the education of students who have a significant number of hours of practical work in the curriculum, in particular those studying in the fields of Physical Education and Sports. The analysis, generalization and interpretation of the literary sources made it possible to identify the possibilities of applying modern technologies of professional development, and forming necessary competencies in the preparation of a bachelor. To adapt the lessons to the conditions of the electronic environment, the necessary algorithm of actions is given, from the features of the glossary development to the creation of the final digital discipline model. It is important to teach students to see the mistakes of students in the technique of movements, tactical errors, to identify their own mistakes in the teaching methods in order to work in the field of physical culture and sports. Therefore, to enhance cognitive activity, develop a culture of thinking of a teacher in physical education and sports, it is proposed to use the preparation of video projects (in the format of a television fitness program with classes and short videos) in practical exercises, taking into account the proposed stages of preparation, a monitoring and evaluation system. Keywords: modern educational technologies, undergraduate students, information and communication technologies, competencies, video project | 1023 | ||||
3 | The Physical culture and sport branch is currently in the stage of active reforming. The system is being modernized. Approaches to the organization of labor and educational-training activities, as well as physical-mass work with various population groups are being revised. The specifics of professional activity in this area is becoming more and more obvious and requires specialists to have appropriate special professional competencies. In the context of reforming, the training of qualified management personnel with the necessary knowledge and practical skills in organizing and managing the activities of state (municipal) and public physical and sport organizations is particularly relevant. The current federal state educational standards in the direction of (bachelors, masters) «pedagogical education» consider the need to form graduates’ readiness to solve problems of professional activity not only of pedagogical, but also of organizational and managerial type. The article gives the results of studies aimed at improving the professional education of students, that are future teachers in physical culture and sports on the basis of increasing their competence in matters of state and municipal administration. Based on a questionnaire survey of state (municipal) civil employees in charge of management in the field of physical culture and sports, there was made a list of professionally significant knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a specialist to effectively perform organizational and managerial functions in this area, taking into account modern socio-economic conditions. The article represents methodological recommendations for the formation of professionally significant knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective fulfillment of the state (municipal) management functions in the field of physical culture and sports under modern conditions. Keywords: professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, organizational and managerial activity, state (municipal) management in the field of physical culture and sports | 734 | ||||
4 | New highlights in the work of educational establishment concerning the formation of schoolchildren’ healthy lifestyle and revealing the features of modern technological way of life and a human in it are shown. The necessity of the formation of the future teacher of physical training readiness to solve the tasks of obesity prevention among school children is justified. The data of own empirical studies presenting the understanding of the future teachers of physical training of their professional subjectivity in this context are provided. The understanding of the future teachers (applicants of the Tomsk State Pedagogical College and Tomsk State Pedagogical University and the 2nd and 3rd year students of Tomsk State Pedagogical College) of the tasks, opportunities and means of the educational work of a school physical training teacher in the sphere of obesity prevention among school children is indicated. The authors’ perspective of (the method of educational design) the educational module aimed at the formation of physical training teacher’s competences connected with interdisciplinary interactions with teachers of other school subjects is presented. This view includes the solvation of the tasks dealing with the formation in schoolchildren of healthy lifestyle value and the health saving skills involving the aspect of obesity prevention in the practice of educational work. The perspectives of using medical and pedagogical projects aimed at the development of healthy lifestyle motivation in schoolchildren and the formation of the behavioral norms, connected with the obesity prevention are shown. The importance of interdisciplinary cooperation of specialists (both on the local level and on the level of interaction of different professional spheres) is actualized. The methods used in the investigation include: theoretical analysis, survey (questionnaire and interview). Keywords: obesity prevention in schoolchildren, professional subjectivity of the teacher, prevention of excess weight as a multi-subjective practice, interdisciplinary interaction of school teachers, medical and pedagogical projects | 435 |