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1 | This article discusses how to use the potential of the genre epistolary texts at Russian language lessons and language arts in school. It substantiates the importance of genre oriented approach in teaching methods of the Russian language, designed to optimize the processes of learning the basics of the national speech etiquette, culture, expression of feelings and thoughts, the formation of the language of taste and intuition, speech hearing, the ability to feel the Russian word, development of intelligence, attention, memory, improving overall literacy in general – to improve the communicative competence of pupils. Keywords: epistolary text, epistolary discourse, communicative competence, verbal competence, genre, speech etiquette, letter a type of text | 1244 | ||||
2 | The article examines the concept of “linguistic competence” with regard to scientific advances in this area and the modern requirements for native speakers. Competence approach is declared in the current federal state educational standards: every student in the school or college must master the list of mandatory knowledge, skills, ways of life, necessary for quality of productive activity in a particular area, including – to prove himself as a formed linguistic identity in everyday interpersonal and social communication. The article reviews the generalizations and conclusions the author makes based on the analysis of information on research contained in the articles that have been published over the last two years in the “Pedagogical Review” and “Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin”. A significant result of this work can be regarded as the assertion that the modern interpretation of a key term “linguistic competence” is multidimensional. The main areas of scientific research in this field are the psychological and pedagogical, methodological and lingvodidactic. Most often the authors are interested in the problem of relating the concept of “linguistic competence” and a number of related definitions as “voice”, “discourse”, “proper language”, “foreign language”, “genre”, “translation”, “linguocultural” and “text” competence. The emphasis is made on the consideration of the application issues that are relevant to the practical application of research results in the learning process in schools and universities. An important factor in the choice of the object is seen in studying Russian as a native language, Russian as a foreign language or development of any other language in the world. The problem of formation and improvement of the foundations of linguistic competence of pupils and students in the world faces today a sharp decline in the general culture of native speakers and is determined by us to be extremely topical. For its consideration we need to attract attention of the general public. Keywords: competence, language competence, communicative and active approach, speech activity | 1879 | ||||
3 | The study is devoted to conceptualization, examination of the content of activities in the university’s and school’s network educational project “Formation of the professional culture of teachers in the modern educational situation: the interaction of university and school in the context of the transition to the new Federal state educational standards for secondary (general) and higher professional education”. The article presents the reconstruction of the project seminar “The use of personality-oriented technologies for the development of student’s text activities of in the process of their preparation for the final certification in the Russian language in the format of the requirements of the Unified state exam and the General state exam”. The organizers, participants of the seminar (bachelors, undergraduates of Faculty of history and philology of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, students of the 11th grade of high school, teachers and philologists of Tomsk) comprehend the experience of developing textual activity using a pedagogical resource of personality-oriented technologies. The article demonstrates how in the space of the seminar the different educational content of the joint action is manifested. For the formation of the knowledge resource of students – normativefunctional, implemented in the task lesson. The activity component of the development of a textual activity of the seminar participants is ensured through the use of value-subordinate relations arising in the context of the lesson-problematization. The semantic component of the educational content of joint activities is formed in the dialogue, in the context of mutually complementary relationships. Dialogue in this context acts as a catalyst, triggering the development of textual activity, which occurs through the use of other forms of joint activities: normative and project. Changes in the content of education occur in the logic of the plot of meaningful activity: the appearance, development, and registration of the meanings of participants in the cultural norm. A methodological tool that allows using different forms of its organization in joint activities can be the technology of the development of critical thinking through writing. The use of such techniques as “Cinquain”, “Directing text” ensures the development of textual competencies necessary for students to write essays in accordance with the requirements of the Unified state exam and the General state exam. The content of joint activities designed and organized in such a way allows to implement the competence approach in education. The competence resource of the project participants representing the University is formed, the development of students’ universal learning actions are carried out. Keywords: network project, educational design, joint activities, dialogue, meaningful activities | 1080 | ||||
4 | The current stage of world historical development is characterized by a tendency towards economic and cultural rapprochement between countries and peoples, which forms a certain social order in the use of functional capabilities of both native and foreign languages by carriers in order to implement strategically important life tasks: educational, industrial, everyday – household, scientific, cultural. Mastering the Russian language by a foreign native speaker should take into account the achievements of a number of branches of scientific knowledge: linguodidactics, general pedagogy and psychology, theories of speech and textual activity, the theory of linguistic personality, psycholinguistics, communication science, subject methodology (theory and practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language). Based on their own pedagogical experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the audience of native Chinese speakers, by systematizing and generalizing the existing developments, the authors propose an original concept, in which the types of secondary linguistic personalities are described, distinguished on the basis of the competence approach. In the course of the study, the comparative method, observation and the method of scientific description are involved. Mastering a foreign language marks a certain level of competence characteristics of an inauthentic speaker. The most “advanced” level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language presupposes the conscious use of the resources of the language, expressed in the ability to correctly assess the situation in terms of relevance, ethics and communicative expediency of use. From these positions, a secondary linguistic personality is understood as a carrier who masters a foreign language in an authentic socio-cultural context and relying on it in order to implement the tasks of effective multicultural communication. At the same time, the carrier demonstrates a certain level of development of competencies: linguistic, linguocultural, intercultural and communicative. The results obtained in the course of the study allow us to say that in the study of the activity of a secondary linguistic personality aimed at mastering Russian as a foreign language, the most effective is the use of a competence-based approach. This approach allows us to study the secondary linguistic personality in the dynamics of the formation of its competence properties at each stage of development that we have identified: the formation of the secondary linguistic personality as a user of a foreign language, the formation of a system of special knowledge and skills in the foreign language in relation to the target language, professional knowledge of a foreign language. The presented typology of secondary linguistic personalities, highlighted on the basis of the competence-based approach, can be used in modern linguodidactics. Keywords: secondary linguistic personality, linguodidactics, Russian as a foreign language, competence-based approach, competence | 1010 | ||||
5 | The issues of designing education in Russian in a Kenyan comprehensive school are considered in the aspect of organizing linguodidactic support. The goal and objectives of this activity are formulated, the complicating and enabling factors are analyzed, the stages in the work of a specialist in the implementation of subject education for Kenyan schoolchildren using the resources of the Russian language as part of general education, correlating with the periods of preparation in primary, secondary and high school, are highlighted. It is emphasized that interest in the problem is determined by the steady growth of the importance of multilingual and multicultural education in the modern world. The proposed approach, built on the basis of the achievements of modern ethnolinguodidactics, ethnopedagogy and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, is based on the priorities of the external state educational policy related to the promotion of a positive image of Russia in the modern international arena, including in the countries of the African continent, by means of the national language and national culture. Keywords: multicultural educational space, Kenya, secondary school, Russian as a foreign language, ethnolinguodidactics, Kenyan linguistic culture | 494 | ||||
6 | A summary of the existing experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language for foreign students studying in the “Jurisprudence” profile is presented. It is emphasized that the study of the communicative behavior of a linguistic personality in the professional field, especially in the legal field, requires taking into account linguistic and cultural factors in their totality. Legal terminology reflects national legal traditions, the historical development of society, its legal principles and ideology. The complexity of professional interaction in the legal field is due to differences in the logic of codified law and ordinary moral and legal beliefs that each person possesses. In addition, each national legal system has its own unique logic, despite the presence of certain universal features. The training of specialists in the subject area of “Jurisprudence” within the framework of multicultural education is characterized by the need to overcome a number of difficulties. Among the problems is the need to develop adequate forms, methods and means of teaching that allow effective interpretation of legal texts that are complex in their syntactic organization and content. Special attention should be paid to working with Russian legal terminology. The main methods and approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language are covered in the aspect of considering it as a language of specialty, as well as the application of these methods in the context of teaching legal terminology and specific language structures to foreign students - future lawyers. The issue of developing communication skills necessary for successful communication in the legal field is explored. Keywords: linguodidactics, Russian as a foreign language, multicultural communication, specialty “Jurisprudence”, language of specialty | 453 |