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1 | The article is devoted to analytical survey of monographic studies made by the teachers of Tomsk State Pedagogical University on the problems of historical development of historical development of general and additional education in the central Russia and Siberia territories. A distinctive feature of these studies is that they represent the historical experience of the teachers’ seminaries, institutes, schools, the first pre-revolutionary institutions of additional education: summer recreation colonies – the prototype of modern children’s camps; School-Manezh as a precursor to the modern art centers of children and youth. The experience of these institutions from the modern point of view is innovative in teacher training, according to the forms of organization, content and methods of educational work with children, teenagers and students. The monographs show the successive connection of pedagogical ideas of the past with the demands of modern society. Keywords: pedagogical ideas, innovative experience, staff problem, social initiative, charity | 1187 | ||||
2 | The purpose of the article is to present a holistic picture of the development of the museums in the vast territory of the Tomsk province and the modern Tomsk region. The method of historical-genetic analysis revealed the conditions for the birth of museums as a social phenomenon and the gradual creation of museums of various kinds. We provide the names of the Tomsk Imperial University professors who were thematic museums organizers. We bring your attention to that all showpieces of the university thematic museums established at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th one were used in education process as supplements to lecture courses contents and as demonstration aids for students. Museum collections were supposed to be used only by university students and faculty members. Other town dwellers didn’t have the right to visit the museums. It was only in the period from 1930’s to 1960’s when municipal museums of history, regional studies, ethnography, art, military and patriotic studies were established and the town population got the opportunity to visit the museums and become acquainted with the artifacts, historical events as well to make their personal assessment of what they had seen. In the paper we highlight that at present the Tomsk Region with its over 300 different museums is one of the major territorial entities of the Siberian Federal District in social, cultural and academic respects. Classification of museums is proposed: university, municipal, departmental, memorialpolitical, school museums. Purposes of museums of each type, their educational tasks and functions were determined. The social, educational and pedagogical needs of museums in the selection, preservation and presentation of the cultural and historical heritage of mankind are substantiated. Keywords: museum, exhibition, historical relics, research work, educational activity, educational process, supplementary education of schoolchildren | 977 | ||||
3 | The main purpose of this article is to illustrate the historical emergence and developing of elementary schools, men and women gymnasiums in Siberian territories in the period of of the 17th - early 20th centuries using archival materials from the unique school museum of public education in Tomsk. The dynamic of formation and functioning of the various types of ecclesiastical educational institutions and class purpose are presented. On the basis of data from the archival funds of the Museum of Public Education of the city of Tomsk, the role of prominent public figures and Siberian educators P.I. Makushin and G.N. Potanin in the construction of new schools and the creation of various educational societies, including the Society for the Care of Primary Education. The distribution of literacy experience is illustrated by means of creation free libraries, book shops and accessible museum on the Tomsk province territories. Today more than a hundred municipal and departamental museums operate on the territory of the modern Tomsk region. Most of these museums have special sections containing archival documents and exhibits, dedicated to education. The article describes the history of the Tomsk school museum of public education, which documents a complete picture of school education during the existence of the Tomsk province until 1925. Archival documents also reflect the current state of the teaching staff, the content of educational programs and achievements of the school educational system. Keywords: elementary school, gymnasium, ecclesiastical seminar, library, museum stock, archival materials, enlightenment, social activity | 968 | ||||
4 | This article presents the process of development of pedagogical support of visually impaired learners with multiple severe developmental disorders (exemplified by deafblind learners), including visually impaired learners in Russia and Siberia, starting prior to the revolution of 1917 until the present day. Experience has proven it is essential to know the history of pedagogical support of visually impaired learners with multiple severe developmental disorders to gain a better understanding of the current status of the subject. This pedagogical research allows you to trace the dynamics of the formation of special institutions in chronological order from the beginning to the present time. The establishment of such institutions took place on charitable basis without state financial support. The role of the All-Russian Society of the Blind in organizing the employment of blind adults and current status of rehabilitation centers are shown. The article considers the emergence of scientific schools and their role in the development of the content and methods of teaching blind and deafblind children. Pedagogical and typhlopedagogical developments that occurred many years ago leave a significant mark in science. It is emphasized that the interest of science in teaching the blind was born very slowly. Only by the middle of the twentieth century a network of state special institutions for blind and deafblind children has appeared. Some prominent scientists and teachers who have made a valuable contribution to typhlopedagogy are noted. Keywords: special institutions of pedagogical support for the blind and deafblind children, typhlopedagogy, students with multiple severe developmental disorders | 982 | ||||
5 | This article analyzes the genesis and progressive development of the phenomenon of pedagogical classes in the Russian state as one of the possible ways to train teachers. It is noted that the status position of pedagogical classes has always directly depended on the historical and political stages of the state structure of the country, on socio-ideological, financial, economic and regional conditions. It turns out that the gender and professional purpose of graduates of the additional eighth pedagogical classes of the pre-revolutionary women`s gymnasium, depends on the status of the family. Alternative options and forms of teacher training without university education in the Soviet period 1920–1970 are shown. In conditions of shortage of qualified specialists with university education, the country was forced to proclaim the goal of accelerated training of teachers of intermediate qualifications instead of workers who do not have any pedagogical training at all. The purpose of the activity of two-year pedagogical classes of the 1990-2000 model is emphasized as the preparation of elite applicants for pedagogical universities. It is noted as historical regularity: the activity of pedagogical classes at each socio-political stage is determined by the public demands of the chronological period under consideration. Various forms of career guidance with senior grade students and their effective influence of the late twenties century are revealed. Keywords: Gymnasium, pedagogical classes, secondary school, system of education, teacher staff, curricula, types of pedagogical practices | 688 | ||||
6 | The article analyzes the actual problems of current state of the training of teaching staff of higher scientific qualification in graduate school. The real organizational, managerial, substantive and motivational possibilities of more effective functioning of the postgraduate pedagogical profile are revealed. The issues of determining and using the integration potential of formal and non-formal education from the perspective of managing the development of pedagogical postgraduate studies are considered. The situation of resource shortage for formal education of graduate students at the pedagogical university is actualized. Among the missing resources for training highly qualified scientific personnel are noted: the weakening of research activities of universities, a decrease in the number of applicants to graduate school, the disunity of university system for training research personnel and awarding academic degrees. The characteristic features of the integration potential of the designated types of education are revealed and substantiated through the analysis of the activity of the scientific school of a teacher-researcher as an actual practice of non- formal education of graduate students, effectively complementing the formal system of training of highly qualified personnel. As the methodological basis of the research, such methods as phenomenological research, included observation, methods of humanitarian research were used, namely: the study of the experience of integration of two types of education, the identification of empirical signs of integration, their generalization, justification of the potential of such integration. The possible ways of improving the training of researchers for universities and research structures are proposed on the example of the presented experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: management of education development, scientific school, graduate students, the potential of integration of formal and non-formal education | 792 | ||||
7 | The article gives an idea of the people and events in our country in the early 1950s on the example of the life of Alexei Petrovich Romanov, a graduate of the Tomsk pedagogical institute, a student and colleague of professor F. F. Shamakhov. A. P. Romanov is known as a publicist on scientific and pedagogical topics, the author of informative and profound pedagogical articles and scientific research, including the candidate degree thesis “Children’s clubs as the basis of educational work of schoolchildren”. A. P. Romanov’s doctoral dissertation “Children’s and teenage clubs in the system of public education in the USSR (historical and pedagogical aspect)” significantly expanded the current club topics throughout the country. Already in the years of student studies of A. P. Romanov, the famous Tomsk scientist in the field of the history of pedagogy F. F. Shamakhov noted the high research potential of his student, predicted the further successful scientific growth of a promising young man. Throughout his life, the wise teacher F.F. Shamakhov provided him moral, paternally caring and friendly human support, stimulated scientific confidence in creative searches. In this article, now halfforgotten epistolary genre in the author’s edition of the academicians of the Russian Academy of Education is used as evidence of the high culture of written communication of the scientific intelligentsia of the 20th century. Keywords: Scientific school of F. F. Shamakhov, history of pedagogy, research work, school children’s clubs, correspondence of famous scientists | 608 | ||||
8 | This article is devoted to analysis of domestic experimenter-educators’ pedagogical heritage, that has not lost its relevance now. Upbringing goals shaped by government requests, society or special social groups are considered in the article in the light of realization of specific social needs. It was noted, that domestic educators coincide that a socially oriented personality upbringing is carried out most effectively in a friendly team consisting of children and adults. In conditions of collective activity, due to purposeful pedagogical influence, a person has an urgent need to act not only for the benefit of his own team, but also for the common good. The predecessor educators’ experience showed that the educational process is generally focused on the assimilation of the full amount of knowledge of the school curriculum. However, upbringing of a socially and collectively oriented personality and formation of their civilian and patriotic ideals is even more important. It becomes obvious that the rapidly progressing development of the expected qualities of young people can be clearly observed in the implementation of socially significant collective social initiatives. Practice has shown that this approach to education and upbringing throughout the twentieth century has been successfully implemented with the collectivist attitudes. It is known that a collectively oriented personality is distinguished by willingness to voluntary be in a suitable team. It is the principle of voluntary that makes it possible to coordinate individual’s interests and solution of a common pedagogical task – the upbringing of a socially oriented personality at the local level of particular team. As a conclusion, it is emphasized that the current state of the Russian education sector was largely predetermined by theory and practice of outstanding thinkers and educators of the 20-th century. Keywords: upbringing, theoretical ideas and experiments of famous teachers, socialization, collective orientation of education and upbringing | 397 | ||||
9 | Currently, in world practice, in connection with the creation of a unified educational space, one of the urgent issues is the internationalization of education and training of specialists that meet the requirements of time. The number of foreigners studying in Russia is constantly increasing, which significantly expands the scope of higher education. Russia is the country interested in cooperation with Chinese national initiative «One belt, One Road». This program focuses on the political, economic and exchange fields of promising students to build human potential. In the 2000s, China`s policy took a firm course towards the humanitarian paradigm. The values of education began to be considered as a resource of development of the country and nation. Only an educated person can become successful and useful for his country. Despite the global pandemic, the number of Chinese students and graduate students studying in Russia is increasing significantly today. As a strategic partners in cooperation Russia and China are constantly increasing Sino-Russian exchanges of students and postgraduates as a joint training of specialists in the field of education. Co-education allows young people to absorb the cultural essence and language of the two countries, expands the horizons of students and contributes to their general cultural and professional development. It emphasizes the need for knowledge of foreign languages for a modern person as a guarantee of his competitiveness in employment. The attractiveness of Russia for training Chinese youth indicates the strengthening of educational cooperation between the two countries. The model of co-education and student exchange corresponds to the complex multi-level training of specialists as a model of multi-channel cultural and educational Chinese-Russian cooperation. Keywords: Chinese-Russian cooperation, teaching staff, the demand for specialists with knowledge of the Russian language, employment of Chinese students after studying in Russia, teaching foreign languages at Chinese school | 433 | ||||
10 | On December 13, 2024, Tomsk State Pedagogical University hosted a round table dedicated to the anniversary of the Dissertation Council. Its participants were: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Valentina Ivanovna Revyakina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Svetlana Ivanovna Pozdeeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Larisa Germanovna Smyshlyaeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Olga Ramazanovna Neradovskaya, members of the dissertation council, graduate students and applicants. The results of the work of the dissertation council were summarized at the round table: the number and quality of dissertations in pedagogical sciences defended since 1999 were analyzed; the actual topics and problems of research on general pedagogy and pedagogy of vocational education were identified, their connection with the directions of modernization of Russian education and the development of domestic pedagogical science was shown. The main trends in the development of pedagogical theory and educational practice were identified: concepts of modern childhood as a sociocultural phenomenon, changes in the content and quality of teaching activities, educational and social innovations in various fields of education, new research methods. The participants in the discussion came to the conclusion that TSPU has created an ecosystem of support and development of research in the field of education: a dissertation council, a postgraduate school, a research laboratory for the quality of scientific and pedagogical research and a school for teacher-researchers for graduate students and applicants. Keywords: pedagogical science, dissertation research, subject of dissertations, research directions | 73 |