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1 | The relevance of the study determined by the need to study the adaptive capabilities of a person in coping with the situation of forced unemployment, which poses a threat to the psychological health of the individual and reduces the quality of life. The study tested the hypothesis of ethnospecificity of the realization of values and psychological defense mechanisms in a situation of forced unemployment in Buryatia on a multi-ethnic sample (Russians, Buryats). The absence of ethnic differences in the priorities of the values of a “happy family life” and “financially secure life” shown. Buryats also note the importance of such values as “health (physical and mental)”. The least accessible value for Russians and Buryats is “interesting work”, while the Buryats also have “financially secure life (absence of material difficulties)” which most fully reflects the situation of unemployment. All the unemployed expressed such psychological defense mechanisms as “reactive education” and “denial”. In the Russian group, it is also possible to distinguish such mechanisms as “substitution”, “regression” and “compensation”. There were no significant ethnic differences in the severity of psychological defenses in the groups, but by comparing the mean values, higher tensions in the Russian group noted. The ethnospecific interrelations between the structure of values and psychological defenses were shown. Keywords: value orientations, psychological defense mechanisms, unemployment as a socio-economic disadvantage, ethnocultural features | 861 | ||||
2 | In the changing socio-economic conditions there is a developmental impairment of teachers’ personal identity, which leads to a distortion (deformation) of its structural components. The relevance of the study is due to the need for a scientific search for ways to overcome the identity crisis and build programs for the development of subsystems of personal (individual) and social (professional) teachers’ identity that are adequate to changing conditions. The aim of the study was to investigate the levels of differentiation, reflexivity, features of the emotional-evaluative tone of identification characteristics, the ratio of personal and social components in self-determination of identity. Research sample consists of 132 teachers of educational institutions of the city of Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region, aged 24 to 63 years, with pedagogical experience from 1 year to 35 years. All teachers were divided into 6 groups in accordance with the periodization of the professional development of V. A. Dmitrievsky. All subjects were characterized by the the inharmony of elements of identity, the predominance of social components (educational, professional and family-clan characteristics) in the structure of self-descriptions, the average level of reflectivity and a low level of self-acceptance. The received data were interpreted from the point of view of theories of professional formation and identity formation. Keywords: teacher’s personal identity, self-esteem of identity, reflexivity, differentiation of structural components of identity, stages of professional development | 842 |