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1 | The article represents a brief review of perspective, in which contemporary foreign researchers in the field of education in the countries of East and South-East Asia are engaged. In the modern world, there is a gradual refusal from the ideas about the leading role of educational systems in Western Europe and North America, at least in the sphere of higher education. The countries of East and South-East Asia are actively modernizing higher education, creatively adopting and altering the practices executed in other regions. At the same time, as a role model not only Western Europe and North America are shown, but also the achievements of education in the countries of Latin America. Economic achievements of the countries of East Asia, in particular China and Japan, allow to create structures, which actively compete with educational systems in other regions of the planet. Some aspects of development of the higher education in the countries of East and Southeast Asia have obvious crossings with similar aspects of development of the higher education in Russia. It demands further comparative researches for transfer of the most successful achievements of Asian models of higher education. As a result, the level of the international interaction will increase, and Russian education will get additional benefits in competitive fight in global education market. Keywords: East Asia, Japan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, education, university, faculty, integration | 1268 | ||||
2 | The article reveals the natural features of the implementation of distance learning in modern China. It shows the contribution to the development of digital media research and digital resources in vocational education. The author summarizes the information presented in the works of foreign and national researchers in order to clarify the prospects for applying the experience gained in China in the framework of higher education in Russia. The theoretical significance of the research coincides with the disclosure of the factors that ensure the progress of higher education in China. These factors include two fundamentally important trends found in modern China. The first of them relates to the desire to establish control over the implementation of innovative transformations in education by the state. The second trend is related to the progressive decentralization of management methods implemented in China regarding the delegation of authority for the development of distance and open education to the level of local authorities. Thus, the moment of inconsistency accompanying the functioning of educational systems in modern China is highlighted. The way out of this problematic situation is seen in the framework of the support of the state authorities on the initiatives of civil society, which serves as a support for the implementation of the state educational policy. As a result, the research allows concluding that the innovative development of higher education leaves an imprint on the transformation of Chinese society as a whole. The prospects for transferring the experience accumulated in China show the need to eliminate the most problematic moments and borrow only positive developments that help to give a new impetus to the Russian higher school and expanding the mechanisms of its interaction with friendly foreign partners. Keywords: vocational education, development of higher education, distance learning, foreign experience, China | 645 |