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1 | CYBERTHREATS TO SECURITY OF TEENAGERS // Pedagogical Review. 2017. Issue 3 (17). P. 99-107 Mass interest of schoolchildren in various technical novelties (tablets, smartphones, pocket digital players) that have become widely available, and as well as computer, that gives opportunity of unlimited access to the Network causes concern and have negative effect on the emotional and volitional, communicative and motivational spheres of teenagers’ identity. Cyberthreats of communicative character present real danger for teenagers – Internet users due to the growing social role of virtual communication. The most common threats include the use of confidential information for criminal purposes, anonymous threats, insults or blackmail during message exchange on forums, chats, in social networks, via e-mail and mobile devices (Cyber-Mobbing, trolling, flaming), creation and placement of videos with posts scenes of violence (Happy Slaping) on popular portals. Such actions may lead to serious mental problems in adolescents. The main critical directions of functioning of the Internet and their influence on a mental state, life and health of teenagers are defined. It is shown that in formation of deviant behavior of teenagers the Internet plays a significant role. The signs of a new type of non-chemical dependence – cyberaddiction, its consequences, the ways of prevention are described, the actions necessary for the fight against this dependence among teenagers are listed. The kinds of cyberactivity most of which will likely lead to formation of computer dependence are specified. Keywords: teenagers, computer dependence, cybersuicide, cyber-mobbing, violations of emotional and cognitive properties of the personality, functional violations of health | 1526 | ||||
2 | New technologies actively invade not only the lives of adults, but also the lives of adolescents. The Internet for teenagers today is a free space for opportunities to achieve their goals and meet various needs. At the same time, the Internet can carry a danger to the physical and mental health of schoolchildren, and even for their lives. Currently, the scientific community is actively discussing a new psychological phenomenon cyberaddiction (synonyms: Internet addiction, computer addiction). The article examines the relationship between Internet addiction and cognitive personality. In this study, the phenomenon of cyberaddiction (computer dependence) in schoolchildren was studied, the relationship between this type of addiction and the cognitive characteristics of the adolescent personality was determined, and recommendations for preventing this type of dependence were developed. Based on the use of a set of techniques, including a test for cyberaddiction of T. A. Nikitina, A. Yu. Egorova and the proof-of-concept test of Toulouse-Pieron, quantitative results were obtained to reveal the relationship between the level of cyberaddiction and cognitive properties (concentration of attention, speed of processing information) of adolescents. The study showed that adolescents with a predisposition to Internet addiction are characterized by a slowing down of the processing speed of information and a violation of memory functions in comparison with a group in which there is no computer dependence. Keywords: adolescents, cyberaddiction, computer addiction, cognitive properties, quality of voluntary attention, concentration of attention, speed of information processing | 1511 | ||||
3 | Computer information technologies in recent decades have been actively introduced into human life. In connection with the rapidly developing global informatization and computerization of society, a need has emerged for diagnosing the risk of developing cyber addiction in adolescents. Scientists and psychologists have developed many different techniques for identifying cyber addiction. This article presents a general description of the interrogation methods often used in Russia for diagnosing cyber addiction in children and adolescents, such as Chen’s Internet addiction scale (in adaptation by Feklisov K. A., Malygina V. L); test for Internet addiction by V. A. Loskutova (Burova); screening diagnostics of computer addiction by Yurieva L. N., Bolbot T. Yu., etc. The results of studies among students of the city of Tomsk with the aim of studying the psychoemotional personality traits of adolescents predisposed to Internet addiction are presented. The techniques presented in the article can be used by school psychologists and teachers to assess the attitude of adolescents to working at a computer or with gadgets, staying on the Internet, with the aim of developing preventive measures to prevent this type of dependence. Keywords: сhildren and adolescents – Internet users, Internet addiction, cyber adiction, diagnostic tools for cyber adiction, disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere, diagnosis of hostility, depression, aggression | 1245 | ||||
4 | The article reviews the issue of risky behavior in the online world – the bullying behavior in the Internet. It gives a description of the phenomenon of cyberbullying and how it negatively affects the mental and emotional state of children and adolescents. Particular attention is paid to the spiritual and moral qualities of personality – personal spirituality and empathy, as determining factors in the process of cybersocialization of a child. The article describes the main diagnostic tools used by the authors – E. G. Norkina’s «Our Class» technique, M. Davis’ «Interpersonal Reactivity Index» adapted by T. D. Karyagina, N. A. Budagovskaya, S. V. Dubrovskaya and A. Husain and M. Anas’ «Spiritual Personality » questionnaire adapted by G. Ozhiganova. It provides the results of a research survey held among adolescents in the city of Tomsk. The study presents the bullying structure of schoolchildren, determines the level of spirituality and empathy of modern adolescents. The results revealed that the indicators of spirituality and empathy of modern schoolchildren in general are at an acceptable level. There was also established a connection between the indicators of personal spirituality, empathy and the implementation of cyberbullying. The results of the study revealed that the lack of development of spirituality and empathy may be associated with an increased risk of aggressive behavior, specifically cyberbullying. Keywords: cyberbullying, adolescent risky behavior, Internet risks, spirituality, empathy, bullying structure | 567 | ||||
5 | The article analyzes the problems of AI technology acceptance in the educational environment. The study is based on the AIDUA adoption model and includes empirical data on digital acceptance/ resistance to AI adoption by the pedagogical community. The authors identify the socio-psychological and organizational roots of pedagogical digital resistance, offering recommendations for acceleration of AI adoption in teaching practices. The results of the empirical study allow to characterize the attitudes of digital resistance to the introduction of AI technologies. Primarily, these are related to the underestimation of social influence and expectations arising from the speed of technology diffusion, concerns about the potential of using AI technologies and the possible replacement of the educational staff due to the non-anthropomorphic nature of digital assistants, and fears of losing the emotional and personal component of education. The authors also investigate the relevant factors of restraint at different levels of the pedagogical community due to the inaccessibility of necessary resources, the lack of common approaches and protocols for the use of AI technologies, resistance on the part of the pedagogical community based on the preservation of traditions and values of classical education. The proposed strategies and organizational approaches are aimed at reducing resistance and creating a favorable environmental climate conducive to the successful introduction of new technologies in the educational process. The article highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach and integrated strategy for the effective use of the potential of artificial intelligence in education. Keywords: artificial intelligence technologies in education, diffusion of innovation, digital resistance, technology acceptance | 426 | ||||
6 | The article examines the role of pedagogical innovation competitions as a mechanism for supporting and accompanying digital initiatives of teachers in the context of digitalization of education. Using the example of the Competition for Innovation in Education, the key areas of digital projects aimed at transforming educational practice are analyzed. The main categories of presented projects are identified, among which interactive educational platforms and blended learning technologies dominate. A significant part of the projects is aimed at complementing traditional educational methods through digitalization. Methods for accelerating innovative projects are considered, as well as their contribution to the professional development of teachers and the formation of an innovative educational community. The theoretical significance of the article is to expand the understanding of the mechanisms for supporting digital transformation in education and the role of competitions in the development of design thinking and an innovative culture among teachers. The article shows how innovation competitions stimulate the implementation of grassroots educational innovations, provide support in the form of resources and expertise, and also form an ecosystem of interaction between participants. Keywords: digitalization of education, educational innovation competitions, innovative projects, interactive educational platforms, pedagogical innovations, innovation competitions, project acceleration, design thinking | 289 |