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1 | The article justifies the cluster of creative competences as an invariant component of the person’s readiness for activity, describes the functions of creative activity, suggest the development of the Olympiad in the Olympiad movement as a form of organization of selfdevelopment of university students, gives recommendations on incorporation of Olympiad movement in independent work, shows the need for continuous self-education of students. Keywords: creative activity, the Olympiad movement, continuing education | 1319 | ||||
2 | The article considers the Olympiad movement as a category of didactics; proves the expediency of using Olympiad movement of students within the organization of independent work for the development of creative competences and readiness for innovation. Describes the Olympiad movement technology in the creative process of preparation of the specialist. Considers the main modules of training content in the Olympiad movement, included in the individual work; shows the importance of invariant modules, introducing the laws of psychology and organization of creative activity. Gives the structure of the module content “Creative tasks” that requires participation of all students in the Olympiad movement at feasible level of complexity and creativity. Investigates the ways to improve the effectiveness of creative self-development of students using Olympiad movement. Gives recommendations on consideration of Olympiad movement in the work programs of academic disciplines. Keywords: creative competence, self study, Olympiad movement, learning content, technology of creative training | 1136 | ||||
3 | The article presents the analysis of tendencies of market development of information and communication technologies, the features of its formation in the regions. Formulates approaches to the design of training content, ensuring the formation of special professional competencies of the specialists in programming tailored to the needs of employers. Shows the innovative nature of the professional tasks of IT professionals and the necessity of strengthening the creative component of the educational activities in their preparation. Formulates the requirements to the programming language included in the educational program and justifies the choice for areas of training in the field of information technology. Gives recommendations on the formation of educational content, providing creative training to the solution of problems of algorithmization and architecting software. Shows the structure and basic didactic units of the informational component of training of IT specialists. The results of these studies can be used to improve the quality of educational activities in higher education and support organization training of specialists in the field of programming, as well as to stimulate creative activity of students. Keywords: creative activities, learning content, language of programming, algorithmization, software architecture | 1047 | ||||
4 | Various forms of mastering the educational professional program are analyzed, the advantages and disadvantages of self-education in the digital space and distance learning are considered. The article shows the demand for training according to an individual curriculum and examines the features of the contingent of students that cause the problem of developing a special methodology for their individual training for activities in the conditions of the emerging innovative economy. The author substantiates the importance of developing universal competencies, including a cluster of creative professional competencies, readiness to work in conditions of psychological stress, digital literacy, mathematical analytical thinking, and spiritual and moral qualities. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for effective training of technical specialists by correspondence are formulated, which assume consideration of the needs of participants in the educational process, cognitive abilities and competence profile. It is proposed to use impulse educational technologies, adaptive management of the process of students’ development and intensification of independent work in the digital space. Special attention is paid to the need to strengthen education in order to prepare for engineering creativity. It is advisable to design a personal educational track with the help of a tutor. The organizational mechanism of individualization of training in the digital space based on the competence profile is described. At the first level of individualization, an individual plan is developed. At the second level, on the basis of a digital competence profile, students’ educational activities are managed during the semester. The organization of individual training of technical specialists in correspondence form with the maximum use of the potential of digitalization of education will improve the quality of education and provide an advanced level of formation of the competencies demanded by the customer, to achieve a more complete satisfaction of students with the educational services provided. Keywords: quality of education, innovative readiness, pedagogical innovations, personal educational track, digitalization of education | 1012 |