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1 | Observes the specificities of coping behavior of mothers bringing up the early aged children with different social development levels. Presents the results of empirical researches of the coping strategies implemented by mothers through the process of coping with life difficulties, exquisite situations and problems connected with nursing and upbringing management of early aged children with advanced, normal, a light retarted or a socially retarted level of development. The evaluation was held according to the following criteria: the severity of coping strategies in the general structure of coping behavior, in absolute terms of coping strategies and the level of coping tension, according to the specific weight of each coping strategy in the general structure of coping behavior, according to index ratio of passive and active coping strategies, according to the degree of coping strategies constructiveness, according to the total positive and negative ratings and strategies. Keywords: coping, coping behavior, coping strategies, constructive coping strategies, mothers bringing up the early aged children, early age, social development | 1133 | ||||
2 | The article observes the system “mother – child” in early childhood from the point of view of the mother coping behavior connected with the psychosocial development of the child. Underlines the purposefulness of studying of the mental development of the early aged child in its interaction with the mother as a single system, because of the symbiotic nature of their relationship and the immaturity of the child mind, the influence of mother on its development in the first three years of life overlaps all other factors. Notices the specificity of the difficult situations in the process of mother-child interaction, actualizes the characteristic style of mother of such specific social behavior as coping behavior, that allows consciously and intentionally to resolve the problem and stressful situations. Proposes and formulates the concept of the early mother coping (EMC). This form of coping acts as the system event based on the consideration of stress signals of the child, the perception of these signals by the mother and her response reactions to any form of coping. Presents the empirical results of the early maternal coping, identifies its normative indicators. The conclusion is made that the deformation of the “mother-child” system at an early age can occur in the form of inefficient early mother coping which is a predictor of disorders of the psychosocial development of the child. Keywords: coping, coping behavior, the early maternal coping, coping strategies, constructive coping strategies, mothers upbringing the early aged children, early age, psychosocial development | 1282 |