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1 | The concept “management learning activities” is studied. General didactic and special foundations of learning activities management are determined. Characteristics of methods of communication management at a foreign language lesson are given. Typical errors of foreign language teachers while learning activities management are grouped. Tasks for four levels of training learning activities management at a foreign language lesson are presented: an exercise, a period of lesson, a lesson and series of lessons. Keywords: management training, learning activities management, foreign language, foreign language communication | 1441 | ||||
2 | The main scientific and educational publications of the famous methodist Irina Alekseevna Gruzinskaya were published in the 30s XX century, and, based on the existing phasing of the development of domestic methods of foreign language teaching, they can be attributed to the early Soviet period of development of this science. The book of I. A. Gruzinskaya Methods of Teaching English in Secondary School (the first edition dates back to 1933) is a vivid reflection of the mentioned period. In spite of the fact that the book was repeatedly highly appreciated by domestic scientists who turned to the history of the methods of foreign language teaching (B. F. Korndorf, A. A. Mirolyubov, A. N. Shchukin, etc.), in this article it receives a comprehensive, detailed analysis. First of all, the article identifies the main features of foreign language education and methods of foreign language teaching in the USSR in the 30s of the XX century. It summarizes the contribution of I. A. Gruzinskaya in the development of domestic methods of foreign language teaching. Further, the methodical terminology used in the book is analyzed; the priority of the goals and methods of foreign languages teaching formulated in it, the manifestations of a certain ideological orientation of foreign language education in a given historical period are identified; the influence of foreign methods on domestic methods of teaching foreign languages is distinguished. The results of the study can be used in methodical training of foreign language teachers. Keywords: methods of teaching, foreign language, history of teaching methods, Soviet stage of development of methods of foreign languages teaching, teaching manual | 2304 | ||||
3 | This article is devoted to a generalized description and comparison of the development of pedagogical education in China and Russia. The main stages of the development of pedagogical education in China include: the birth and formation at the end of the Qing dynasty (1897−1911); development and streamlining in the period of the Republic of China (1912−1948); restructuring and transformation after the creation of the People’s Republic of China (1949 − to the present). The main stages of the development of pedagogical education in Russia include: the birth and formation in the period of Tsarist Russia (1779−1917); development and normalization in the period of the USSR (1918−1991); transformation and modernization in the period of the Russian Federation (1991 − up to the present). The difference in the specifics of the development of pedagogical education of two countries is seen at the stage of the state of origin, the fundamentals of development. The history of the development of pedagogical education in Russia is longer than in China. Its foundation was greatly influenced by religious foundations. Chin ese pedagogical education was created on the basis of the political goal of the state, although it was based on the ideas of Confucianism. The formation and development of Russian pedagogical education was due to the internal needs of the state, social demand. Chinese pedagogical education originated in the context of the national crisis, it was a necessary measure to preserve the integrity, strengthen the country. The policy has had a greater influence on the reform of pedagogical education in China than the development of pedagogical science. In the pedagogical education of Russia, the achievements of peda gogical science were more taken into account. Similarities are more evident at the level of contemporary tendencies in the development of pedagogical education, such as universitization, continuity, and openness. Keywords: professional pedagogical education, stages of development of pedagogical education, pedagogical education in Russia, pedagogical education in China | 1504 | ||||
4 | As we enter the new millennium, the emerging reforms in the fields of secondary education and teachers’ education in China have raised new demands on the quality of teachers’ training. Professional-methodical training as an integral part of teachers’ education is closely related to the quality of teachers’ training. In order to improve the effectiveness of teachers’ training, this article examines and analyzes the history of development and the current state of professional-methodical training of teachers in China. Studies show that the development of this training is characterized by a late start, a short period of development, folding under the influence of Western countries, and in the context of educational reform, it faces enormous challenges, as well as new opportunities. The main characteristics of the current state of professional-methodical teachers’ training in China include: “blind” copying and borrowing the experience and models of professional-methodical training of other countries, while reforming teacher’ education, where national conditions and needs of general education are increasingly taken into account; the complexity of the system of professional-methodical teachers’ training, where the central place is occupied by the academic discipline “teaching methods”; practical orientation of professional-methodical training. And on the basis of the results of the study, constructive proposals are put forward for the further development and improvement of this training. To improve the system of professional-methodical training, it is necessary to reform it in three ways: to clarify the goals; improve educational programs; diversify assessment methods. Keywords: professional-methodical training, methodical training system, teachers’ training in China, history of professional-methodical training in China, the state of professional-methodical training in China | 1054 | ||||
5 | The current standards of higher technical education provide for the development of universal competencies of students (groups of competencies “Communication”, “Intercultural interaction”), which should be implemented within the framework of the study of the discipline “Foreign language” and, accordingly, reflected in the content of educational support. As a few decades ago, and today, future engineers and university teachers of foreign languages recognize the inadequacy of teaching foreign language communication only in everyday and professional spheres. The sociocultural approach in foreign language teaching is well characterized in scientific research, and the content of most contemporary school textbooks on foreign languages is saturated with relevant topics and language material. At the same time, the problems of implementing this approach in the content of textbooks for universities, especially technical ones, remain relevant and insufficiently studied. The purpose of the study is to compare, analyze the content of domestic and foreign (authentic) university textbooks in English and German for students of technical universities, published in the current century, for the socio-cultural component of their content (topics, speech material, sociocultural commentary, etc.). In total, the author of the article analyzed 40 textbooks of this direction. The results obtained can be taken into account by the developers of the corresponding university educational literature, teachers of foreign languages of technical universities. Keywords: foreign language teaching, technical university, university textbooks, textbooks on foreign languages, content of textbooks, socio-cultural component | 853 | ||||
6 | The article notes the importance of the supervising in technical universities institution in development of professional and universal competencies, personal growth, self-realization, as well as adaptation of students, highlights the existing problems in the implementation of curatorial activities. The main problems of the curators institute at a technical university include: insufficient qualification of curators; the majority of them have no humanitarian, psychological and pedagogical education; the difficulty in implementing systematic refresher courses for all curators; insufficient replication of curatorial experience, the use of network communication tools in curatorial activities; the need to increase the level of socio-psychological adaptation of students to study at a technical university; difficulties in implementing a personality-oriented approach in the activities of curators; lack of humanitarization of the educational process. Solving the existing problems of the curators at a technical university institution requires the creation of an appropriate organizational and methodological support system for the curators of academic groups activities. Organizational and methodological support for the academic groups curators activities at a technical university is a systemically organized process of comprehensive, continuous professional development of curators, methodological training and curators experience replication. Experimental work was carried out to implement the developed system of organizational and methodological support for the academic groups curators activities at a modern technical university. The presented results confirm the developed system effectiveness, which implementation makes it possible to increase the curatorial activities effectiveness. Keywords: curators’ activities, curator of the academic group, support of the curators’ activities, organizational and methodological support, technical university | 946 | ||||
7 | About the teacher’s methodical credo // Pedagogical Review. 2024. Issue 4 (56). P. 22-31 This study is devoted to the analysis of the pedagogical term and phenomenon “methodical credo”. Today, pedagogical science and education are not limited only to the pedagogical credo, which has existed for a long time and is the most used of all types of credo in relation to the activities of a teacher. The following types of credo, identified by the author of the article, are named: scientific credo, sociolinguistic credo, personal and professional credo. Synonyms for words “method” and “credo” are identified, as well as their common (mutual) synonyms, and synonyms for “pedagogical credo” and “methodical credo/creed” are grouped. The meaning of the terms closest to the methodical credo is clarified. The essence of the methodical credo presented in the scientific publications is summarized. The author of this study puts forward the assumptions about the reasons for the emergence of the methodical credo in contemporary domestic pedagogical science. Thus, a methodological credo, to a greater extent than a pedagogical one, correlates with the teacher’s pedagogical activity and his methodical training, acts as an alternative to algorithmization in teacher’s training and compensation for the formalization of this training. It reflects the development trends of Russian educational terminology. A conclusion is drawn about the prospects of further research into the methodical credo and its inclusion in methodical dictionaries. Keywords: credo, method, teacher, pedagogical credo, methodical credo, teacher’s beliefs, individual teaching style | 479 | ||||
8 | The work is devoted to the phenomenon of initiative in the professional development of a student – a future teacher, to the study of the theory and practice of applying teacher training models based on the manifestation of professional initiatives. Different concepts and directions of “initiative” of students – future teachers at different levels of their education are considered. The object of study is the meaning formation of initiative in the structure of pedagogical knowledge, the features of its development in various conditions. To determine the dominant elements, classification, and identify sustainable models for the development of initiative, a structural analysis of various concepts was carried out, and current models for the formation of pedagogical initiative were identified. The sets of principles contributing to the development of initiative in education are identified. General theoretical principles include the principle of pragmatism; the principle of consciousness. Particular principles of working with students’ initiative are as follows: ensuring independent work of teachers in transferring previously acquired knowledge and skills to a new situation, using interactivity in the educational process, focusing on students’ search for subjectively new information during independent integration of the basis of a standard action into a solution, creating conditions for work with information and information technologies. The principles of personality development are considered as the main triggers that ensure the launch of an initiative. The initiative of a modern teacher is included in the system of his basic competencies as an immanent professional quality, at the same time it is determined by his individual characteristics, in particular, the possession of intuition, the ability to improvise. Keywords: the pedagogical initiative of the student, the structure of the teacher’s initiative, the model of the teacher’s initiative training, the principles of initiative | 428 | ||||
9 | The study provides an overview of domestic and foreign scientific work in the field of firefighter training over the past 20 years (2004–2024). The relevance of the review of modern research in the field of professional training of firefighters in Russia and abroad is justified by the fact that generalization of its results is important for determining further vectors of development in the field of this training. The purpose of the study is to analyze modern research in the field of firefighter training in Russia and abroad, summarizing its key similarities and differences. It has been established that there are significant similarities in its organization in Russia and abroad. One of the significant differences is the disparity between the practical and theoretical aspects of such training (in Russia more attention is paid to theory, while abroad – to practice). Foreign publications often publish articles on the use of modern technologies (for example, simulation, digital) and health protection in firefighter training. Domestic publications actively discuss ways to improve the organizational and methodological base in this training. Both groups of studies demonstrate compliance with modern world trends in the development of vocational education and a focus on modernizing and improving this training. Keywords: research on the training of firefighters, training of firefighters in Russia, training of firefighters abroad, firefighters, State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, fire safety, pedagogical technologies | 272 |