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1 | Due to the changes of the state policy in pre-school education the task to develop ability for making up fairy-tales as one of the forms of children’s abilities for speech creativity has acquired special importance. As a result of finding out psychological and psycho-linguistic pre-conditions for the child’s speech creativity, we single out two interrelated components in senior pre-schoolers’ ability to make up fairy-tales. Explanations of the interconnection of psychic processes in the structure of the ability to make up fairy-tales, specific characterizations of constituent mechanisms of the development of this ability with senior pre-schoolers have supplied a basis for creating diagnostic methods that allow to implement monitoring of this ability by several criteria at one and the same time. Keywords: speech creativity, ability to make up fairy-tales, senior pre-schoolers, monitoring, diagnostic methods | 1203 | ||||
2 | Federal state educational standard of education of pre-school children puts forward the necessity for pre-school educators to develop creative abilities of children. In connection with this, the task of developing the ability to make up fairy tales as one of the forms of ability for speech creativity of senior pre-school children acquires essential importance. A number of different pedagogical and psychological researches, that are carried out at present by scientists and that are devoted to the issue of speech creativity of pre-school children can hypothetically reveal, reflect different theoretical and practical approaches that concern separate problems connected with the situations in which we teach children how to do creative telling, but these researches do not give the whole image of how to develop effectively the ability of pre-school children to make up fairy-tales. When we take into consideration as a basis of the scientific analysis psychological and pedagogical researches, we can possibly disclose such problematic issues as the structure of the ability of senior pre-school children to make up fairy-tales, stages of the development of the ability of senior pre-school children to make up fairy-tales as well as the mechanism and levels of developing 5–7-year-old children’s ability to make up fairy-tales. Keywords: ability to make up fairy-tales, senior pre-schoolers, structure, stages, mechanism and levels of development | 1368 | ||||
3 | Changes concerning reforming preschool education in Russia at the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century determined the inner of the notion “speech creativity” as well as theoretical and methodological approaches to developing children’s speech and speech creativity. At the end of the XX century the notion “speech creativity” is associated with the child’s artistic and creative activities; different scientific ideas about the development of children’s speech creativity are formed. Organizing the process of developing preschoolers’ speech creativity in accordance with ideology of the new standard of preschool education requires a basic idea of pedagogical ways of organizing children’s artistic and creative activities by means of a fairy-tale. In connection with it, using modules as the innovative organizational pedagogical basis for developing children’s speech creativity in accordance with the main conceptual ideas of the educational standard becomes essential. At the beginning of making up modules there established typical relations between reproductive, productive and creative stages of developing senior preschoolers’ speech creativity that reflect the logic of the emergence of children’s activities during the period of preschool childhood and are followed by different types of mutual activities of the adult and children with the purpose to obtain developing and humanistic relationships between the participants of the interaction. Educational resources of modules are compiled to reveal and enrich the subjective experience of children with reference to their interests and capabilities. The effectiveness of using modules at developing children’s speech creativity in a preschool educational institution is proved by successful increase of children’s capacity for learning activities. Keywords: speech creativity, senior preschoolers, module approach, module model, conditions of developing universal learning operations | 967 |