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1 | The article considers features of methodological support of humanities by resources of modular system of learning and conditions of strengthening of the semantic connections between engineering disciplines and humanities with the account of subject features in the heterogeneous student environment. Joint and simultaneous education of Russian and foreign students is a new challenge for the modern educational process, which drives educators to take into consideration the students’ linguocultural diversity (history, grammar particularities and cultures of the concerned nationalities) when developing didactic tasks. The author suggests creating an applied rhetoric studio aimed at correction and development of communicative competences of non-philological speciality students. Keywords: heterogeneous student environment, educational and professional competences, modular learning, applied rhetoric studio | 1223 | ||||
2 | The article considers characteristic symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, difficulties of inclusion of students with autism in learning activities. Describes the dependence of the intelligence quotient of the form of autism, disintegrative cognitive development in the cognitive scope. Presents the experience of working with primary school students, who have autism spectrum disorders, in secondary schools in Seversk, Tomsk region: personal curriculum, which includes options for learning in the classroom, individually and remotely; practical methods to create the conditions for dialogue situations, the organization of flexible mode of psycho-emotional stress, ways to relieve tension. Positive dynamics of the social development of primary school students with autism spectrum disorders is confirmed by the analysis of curriculum, portfolio, biographical data of students. Keywords: primary school students, autism spectrum disorders, secondary school, socialization, flexible curriculum, the creation of situations of communication, verbalization contacts | 1136 | ||||
3 | The article presents an examination of the need for a specialist with the desired qualities for the modern labor market through the development of socio-professional activity of students. Provides a generalized image of a modern College student as an information basis for the development of the model of development of socio-professional activity of students of multidisciplinary College and essential characteristics of the model. Summarizes the work on the development of socio-professional activity of students through group and individual forms of work, and on the creation of a socializing environment of the College, its saturation with various types of activities. Describes the structure of the individual plan of student’s self-development, involvement in various activities, and interaction with improvement of professional skills of teachers and the level of College work. Describes the strategic game “Trajectory of success” as an organizational form motivating the work of the student. Provides the examples of interaction between the College and employers of students’ participation in corporate events of companies. Presents the initiatives of the College at various levels, including in international cooperation, contributing to the development of the student, enhancing the status and importance of the College at the district level. Reveals the content and course of experimental work, the process of continuous monitoring. Provides the examples of changes of quantitative indicators of the activities of the College as a result of experimental work and changes in the structure of monitoring. Keywords: model of socio-professional activity, strategy game, monitoring, group work, individual approach, self-development | 1188 | ||||
4 | The needs of the developing economy, its interest to maintain the most successful Russian schools of science, to provide it’s continuity by educating the new generation of researchers ground the necessity to involve the educational institutions teachers and students into fundamental research. The research competency developed in students characterizes their subjectivity and their need for the continuous cognition. The development of the competency requires teaching the students the ways of self-dependent obtaining and processing of scientific information in the self-dependent research practice – within the framework of the competency-based approach. The research competency includes: theoretical knowledge of research methods, the ways of systematic processing of the empirical data, the ability to formulate conclusions and to present research results, the ability to use the knowledge in a particular research. The research competency also includes a complex of a researcher’s personal qualities. The research competency is an integrated personal quality of the subject of learning (the learner). The quality finds its expression through the subject’s capability and ability for self-dependent obtaining of the new knowledge by transferring the meaning context of the subject’s activity from functional to the transformative one. The definition provided may serve as a basis for the choice of the strategy of the development of the research competency of the future teacher in Technology. The competency is to include: the acquirement of the specialized knowledge on performing the research activity, methods of obtaining scientific knowledge; the development and adoption of the value ideals and qualities by the subject, which promote the subject’s ability to go beyond the existing level of the system of the subject’s knowledge of oneself and the world; the acquirement of the practical experience of the use of the research activity in the pedagogical work. The content of the educational field “Crafts” determines the content of the Crafts teacher training. It implies that the teacher of Crafts is to be able to give economical, ecological, technological education and to provide informational support for it; to teach the inventive problem solving; to develop the students’ skills in design, etc. The main document that regulates the process is the work program, which is to be developed by the Crafts teacher. The program is to reflect the students’ projected understanding: of the production, realization and consumption of the material values; of the culture of labor and household life; of the necessity and special aspects of the citizen’s professional self-determination; to form the non-verbal sphere of the human. For the development of such program, its implementation and further correction the teacher is to possess a wide range of the research competencies. Among them are: the ability to perform the analysis of the school’s material and technical resources available; to involve the facilities of the industry of the region into the educational process; to use the students’ inclinations and aspirations for their education, etc. Keywords: research competency, peculiarities of the educational field “Crafts”, the content of the research competency of the future Crafts teacher, the complex of the Crafts teacher’s research problems | 1107 | ||||
5 | The article considers the solving of one of the most urgent problems of Russian education modernization: the development of school students’ speech culture as the basis for their mastering of communication competencies. The paper highlights the importance of its solving for the growth of the human’s level of mental development and general culture. The article presents the authors view of the phenomena of communicative competency, speech culture, their interconnection and reciprocal influence. The author makes a point that the focused development of communicative competency and speech culture involves the selection of appropriate methods and aids of education, and that for communicative acts creation a set of algorithms can be used. He provides the analysis of the ways of the development of such phenomena at the general education school. Considers the special potentialities for the development of communicative competencies and speech culture in process of studying the Russian language and literature both in class and in extracurricular activities. The author offers an approach, according to which communicative competences and speech culture development is closely linked to the use of the latest technical devices and information and communication technologies in the open Internet space. These tools are divided into groups according to the complexity of their use: visualiza tion tools, lesson support tools, means of using computer programs in education, revising previously studied material, choosing a theme for creative work, monitoring knowledge, etc. The approach makes it possible to provide the efficient development of the students’ communicative competencies in conducting an interactive dialogue with the computer, other student and the teacher. The paper presents a Russian language and literature teacher’s generalized experience in students’ speech culture development with the use of traditional and relatively new forms and methods. Keywords: speech, school student’s speech development, ICT, ICT-competency | 1045 | ||||
6 | In modern conditions, the process of training teachers for the vocational education system needs new conceptual approaches taking into account the real state and development prospects of the industry economy and education based on world requirements. The normative basis for the implementation of degree programs is the conjunction of educational and professional standards. The design of modular degree programs in the field of vocational training (by the branches) is based on the principles of modularity, variability and continuity of professional and higher education. The content of each module reflects a competenceactivity approach and includes a practice-oriented theory with practical training in model laboratory conditions or tests in a real learning environment of professional educational organizations and internships at the workplace including at high-tech enterprises in the industry. An independent expert review of professional and pedagogical and qualification competencies is admission to the profession and ends with a state demonstration and (or) qualification exam and the defense of final qualification work performed by the order of the employer. As shown by the practice of joint activities within the framework of cluster formations, the integration of the resources of the scientific, educational and production potential of the university, the network of professional educational organizations and leading enterprises in the industry, improves the quality of training highly qualified personnel with a set of competencies in both professional and pedagogical, as well as professional qualification activities. The implementation of degree programs within the framework of educational clusters enables to solve the acute problem of «personnel gap» including the lack of teachers who are ready to train workers and specialists for priority sectors of the region. Keywords: degree program, vocational education, vocational training (by the branches), training triality, professional standard, social and economic development of the region, global trends (industry 4.0), modular-competence-based approach, independent expert review | 781 | ||||
7 | The high dynamics of social and economic changes in the country and in the world gives rise to the need to respond to them in the system of vocational education, including university education. Determining the content of training a future teacher of technology and creating optimal conditions for its effective process requires taking into account both the general trends in the development of the vocational education system and the continuously occurring changes in the content of the subject area “Technology”, its specifics. The general tendencies of development in the vocational education system include: the peculiarities of the organization of social and pedagogical support of a student to initiate his activity in the process of mastering professional experience; a change in the focus of vocational education from public to personality-oriented; human development in the profession and the student’s dialogue with the diversity of cultures; redefining the relationship between education and training; stages of appropriation by the future teacher of the experience of professional activity as a process of self-design and self-realization of the image of future pedagogical activity; appropriation of the values of the profession as an integral part of the image of “I am a teacher”. The next group of features follows from the content of the educational area “Technology”. For the future technology teacher, this content serves as a guideline for the synthesis of scientific knowledge of all academic subjects as an example of their use in various areas of human activity. This means that a technology teacher must be ready to carry out economic, environmental, technological education and information support of this process; teach inventive problem solving, form design and other skills. Also, a feature of the educational field “Technology” is the fact that the programs in this subject provide for relative freedom in the choice of educational material, depending on local and regional conditions, the working environment, the desires of parents and children, the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, etc. It is the teacher of technology that will have to form students have ideas about the production, sale and consumption of material goods; about the culture of work and life; about the necessity and peculiarities of professional selfdetermination by every citizen of the state, but the main thing is to form the non-verbal sphere of a person. Keywords: preparation of a future teacher of technology, professional development, educational process, specificity of training content | 715 | ||||
8 | The article analyzes the actual problems of current state of the training of teaching staff of higher scientific qualification in graduate school. The real organizational, managerial, substantive and motivational possibilities of more effective functioning of the postgraduate pedagogical profile are revealed. The issues of determining and using the integration potential of formal and non-formal education from the perspective of managing the development of pedagogical postgraduate studies are considered. The situation of resource shortage for formal education of graduate students at the pedagogical university is actualized. Among the missing resources for training highly qualified scientific personnel are noted: the weakening of research activities of universities, a decrease in the number of applicants to graduate school, the disunity of university system for training research personnel and awarding academic degrees. The characteristic features of the integration potential of the designated types of education are revealed and substantiated through the analysis of the activity of the scientific school of a teacher-researcher as an actual practice of non-formal education of graduate students, effectively complementing the formal system of training of highly qualified personnel. As the methodological basis of the research, such methods as phenomenological research, included observation, methods of humanitarian research were used, namely: the study of the experience of integration of two types of education, the identification of empirical signs of integration, their generalization, justification of the potential of such integration. The possible ways of improving the training of researchers for universities and research structures are proposed on the example of the presented experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: management of education development, scientific school, graduate students, the potential of integration of formal and non-formal education | 530 |