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1 | The article describes Z. Freud’s concept, who proposed the structural theory of personality. According to the concepts of Freudism and classical psychoanalysis, a personality is a collisional unity of three intersubjective fields: «it-ego», «ego», «super-ego». The content and relationships of them explain the unique character of personality. Z. Freud’s perception of dual (social-biological) and in consequence argumentative psyche subjectivity characterizes psychological mechanisms of intrapersonal conflicts and shows their dynamical characteristics. This article was prepared on the basis of the analysis of a large number of works of Z. Freud’s (as written in the original language, and translated into Russian). The article is of interest to professionals with an interest in classical psychoanalysis. Keywords: psychology, methodology, system, structure, personality, intrapersonal conflict, Freudism, classical psychoanalysis | 3197 | ||||
2 | This article focuses on psychosocial mechanisms of relations between person and society, formulated on the basis of the systemic structural-level concept of the psyche by B. F. Lomov, M. S. Rogovin and G. V. Zalevsky. The study of personality in the context of the systemic structural-level concept of the psyche can not be called comprehensive without the characteristic of the interaction of the “personality” and “society” systems. The article gives definitions of the term “society” given by foreign and local researchers. Based on the comparison and analysis of the definitions of the concept of «society» in science, the author’s view of the problem is proposed. In the context of the systemic structural-level conception of the psyche, society is a system that has developed in the course of historical development and is characterized by an internal hierarchy (intra-individual, interindividual, metaindividual levels) reflecting the main spheres of social life (kinship, spiritual, economic, social, political, managerial spheres). The functioning of the personality in the social environment, the structure of the society, the specific features of society, the influence of society on the formation and development of the personality, the integration of individuals into society are characterized. As a result of the analysis of literary sources, the author’s graphic images (diagrams) illustrating the structure of the society in the context of systemic studies and the integration of individuals into the society are elaborated. The materials of the article supplement the existing theoretical ideas about the personality and its integration into the micro- and macro-community systems. Keywords: psychology, sociology, personality, society, methodology, system, structure, element, level | 2890 | ||||
3 | The article contains the description and the visual representation of the ideal object – the structure of the human psyche which is considered in the context of systematic studies. The disciplinary levels of study of the phenomenon of the human psyche are described in the article. The scientific concepts of special epistemological value are shown in it. The author’s graphic images (schemes) are presented in the article, they illustrate the structure of the human psyche in the context of systematic studies. The ideal structure of the psyche consists of three subsystems: consciousness, personality and cognitive sphere; the material structure of the psyche includes a biological basis. The general system functions of the psyche and the functions of its individual elements are described. The article`s materials complement the existing scientific ideas about the psyche and its structure. The comparison and the analysis of the material of that research allowed to draw conclusions: the human psyche is similar to a system consisting of an ideal structure (consciousness, personality, cognitive organization) and material (biological basis). The human brain and the psyche are connected like the net and the hypernetwork. The human psyche performs cognitive, relative, regulatory, adaptive functions. The standard process of ontogenesis is accompanied by the development and complication of the psyche. The functioning of structures of the psyche determinates the origin of the system time phenomenon. Keywords: psychology, mental life, consciousness, personality, cognitive organization, functions, system, structure, element | 3163 |