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1 | The article presents the results of socio-psychological research of the notions of family, marriage and the future marriage partner of the student youth of the Tuva state university. The analysis of the works of movieweb - historians, sociologists, psychologists, teachers, allowed to characterize the state of contemporary Tuvan family as a crisis. One of the causes of the crisis tendencies in modern Tuvan family can be misconceptions of young people about marriage and family. The study examined the views of students about the reasons for the marriage, the duration of premarriage courtship, the optimal age of marriage, the most important qualities of a marriage partner, the selection criteria for future spouse(s), prerequisites, the durability of family life, the causes of successful and unsuccessful marriage, the impact of parental family on marriage partner choice, etc. It is revealed that in the representations of students preserved the traditional view about the roles of men and women in the family, namely the wife should be a homemaker and a good mother for their children, and the man is obliged to care of financial well-being of his family and its protection. Young men pay more attention to the appearance of the future spouse, and women – to masculinity and strength of a spouse. In the students’ views the spouse must share their aspirations, beliefs and values. The feeling of love significantly influences the perception of the future marriage partner. The other important factors when choosing a future spouse are the parents, the family, the close environment, what is probably caused by the collectivist values of the Tuvan culture, as well as the social status of the chosen person. According to the interviewed students, long-lasting marriage is based on love and trust in the family, mutual understanding among spouses, kindness and respect to each other. The article raises the problem of preparing young people for family life. Keywords: submission, marriage, marriage partner, marital relationships, family, civil marriage | 1566 |