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1 | The article states that marriage crisis has overwhelmed the world. It concerns our country with its patriarchal system of values that could not prevent family decay. One of the most effective solutions to this problem the author sees in creation of special schools named “the schools of family behavior” on the basis of municipal centers of additional education of children. These schools are for children from incomplete families or families with only child who could not get the rules of proper behavior in their paternal families so as they have no experience of family life. The author assures that training in multiage group is to create family model, which allow practice the typical for family life situations. It will let to get necessary attainments, which are very useful in adult life. Keywords: family values, socialization, family behavior, interpersonal relations, marriage crisis, innovative pedagogical technologies, groups of different age, educational centers, identification, imitation, reflection, hyperprotection, contradictory upbringing | 1295 | ||||
2 | UNIVERSITY AS A DRIVER OF CITY DEVELOPMENT // Pedagogical Review. 2017. Issue 2 (16). P. 209-219 The idea about the mission of modern university as a mechanism of development of that territory in which it is located is proved in the article. Since the university, especially the large one, is located, as a rule, in a megalopolis, its goal is to accumulate problems that arise in various areas of the city’s activity, conduct research to identify the primary sources of these problems and propose solutions for them. The author considers it necessary to create a multivector center (or centers) that study city problems based on a university the goal of which is to serve as a generator of innovative ideas at the request of the community. The country lacks a high-quality human capital, and the university acts as its blacksmith shop. We need reform the educational process to cope with a task to impart desire to be engaged in research work and to create skills of an entrepreneurship at youth. In this process the worthy place would be taken by horizontal communications of the student’s autonomous research teams working in various scientific directions in close connection with specific production and competing for intra higher school and extra higher school grant support. The main objectives of higher education institution as territory driver are specified in their connection with some methods of the process of knowledge acquisition, for example, team work on the concrete project urgent for innovative development of the city. The main directions of city development, which will be characteristic of all megalopolises are designated – in their course student’s researches will be demanded within the next ten years. The author of article claims that the intensive cooperation of all city structures and university will allow to raise considerably the quality level of a human capital, requirement for which is felt in all fields of economic and not economic activity. Keywords: economy of knowledge, missions of university, human capital, center of innovative technologies, educational process, city-forming enterprises | 1555 | ||||
3 | Today an important factor forming an image of the university is the proposal of various options and ways of knowledge acquisition, therefore within educational process the combination of both traditional forms and innovative techniques is advisable. In the article the thesis that training by means of a Virtual Learning Environment MOODLE gains special significance for the future representatives of tourism industry is claimed: the system can promote the development of such necessary qualities as mobility, skill to communicate, initiative, tolerance. It is proved that combining of the platform with offline meetings which can be seen in «Calendar of events», is able to improve students’ skills demanded by tourism industry. The most important skill is the ability to project a tour. MOODLE is based on the concepts of new content designing and freedom of important exchange and editing, so, the development of this very skill by means of the system is a promising idea. The main goal of the paper is to share the experience of specific educational problem solution within a training course of a tour design – the training material broken into blocks applied with the maps, atlases, text extractions with references to electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, anthologies, scientific articles, publications of popular scientific character, becomes the virtual exercise machine for the tour designing. Keywords: Virtual Learning Environment MOODLE, distance learning, interactive thematic blocks, ecological education, destination, caving, tour design, learning outcomes | 1332 | ||||
4 | The problem of the need to intensify channels and forms of interaction with foreign students at Russian universities is indicated. Today the universities are designed not only to conduct research and teach, but also to influence the improvement of the cultural and socio-economic status of their region and the whole world. It is proved that the third mission of the university today implies the creation of the image of Russia as a partner aimed at dialogue in equal conditions, striving for the security of all participants in the world process, the condition of which is multipolarity. The conditions of the diversity of cultures that takes place at universities make possible to highlight the country’s position in front of representatives of other countries – foreign students. The role of intercultural competence as one of the most important skills of the XXI century is emphasized. In the face of growing uncertainty on the world stage, universities should take over the formation of intercultural competence. This is the mission of forming goodwill and tolerance towards representatives of different peoples, serving international understanding and cooperation. It is proved that one should not limit oneself to the process of adaptation to another culture based on the assimilation of new cultural norms and the formation of the ability to bring one’s behavioral reactions in line with them. It is necessary to form a new type of personality, mastering new cultural codes. Such a person feels comfortable in any crosscultural collective and knows ways to self-actualize himself in it. To do this, it is advisable for students to show examples of new ways of intensive interaction at the intersection of various cultural paradigms. Keywords: third mission of the university, intercultural communication, cultural code, adaptation, cross-cultural communication club, cross-cultural training | 722 |